Okay, truth is, it couldn't be Halloween and I miss the opportunity to show off my Dark Shadows Barnabas Collins action figure by Majestic Studios. I missed getting Blacula this year, but Angel and dear little Tommy have another vampire pal, Big Brother Barnabas Collins. His companion in this photo is Takara Jenny Friend, Lie.
I'm not familiar with Barnabas Collins. He looks scary - not like one of those sexy vampires that seduce their female victims into exposing their fragile necks.
Barnabas Collins was THE daytime tv vampire in the 1960s-early 1970s, Roxanne. I don't recall seeing the show much after school although an aunt of mine followed the story before my mom and sisters did. We - my family followed the reruns of the original "Dark Shadows" show when it became syndicated. Loved it. It was about the Collins family and their "British" cousin. It had witches (Angelique) and werewolves (Quentin Collins) and time travel 1960s style. If you've ever seen any Hammer House of Horror movies - and those weren't to everyone's taste so it's no shock if you haven't - they were similar to "Dark Shadows." Lots of thick, long eyelashes (fake, cough), lots of thick hair (fake, cough), and cleavage among the actresses. Pompous men .... oh, it was fun. Is fun in a "good, clean" way. Surface anyway - shrug. I think all the characters were White - didn't seem strange then, but par for the course. Setting was Collinsport, Maine, USA.
You could probably find a showing of "Dark Shadows" online. The later show - they tried to bring it back - was blah, but the first one was fun.
OMG!!! I love DARK SHADOWS... used to watch all the RERUNS in the SCI-FI Channel....
Barnabas Collins with the TWIN of my most fave Jenny friend!!!
What a coincidence, Rudi! Another "Dark Shadows" fan ... wow. While Barnabas was one of my favorites, I had a crush on Quentin (David Selby). Among the women, my favorites were Angelique, Julia, and Maggie.
I'll have to do a review of Barnabas the action figure. Majestic Studios also produced a Quentin Collins figure, but he didn't capture the foxy fine looks of David Selby. So I didn't get that figure.
That's right, Rudi, I almost forgot that you are also a Kisara/Lie/Rie fan. Me, too. That Lie or Rie is one of the Takara-Bako Special. She came in a clear plastic box with a pink-white diamond print background. That's her issued hair length and style - crimped.
Ah am I getting post ideas this morning! Need to do one on Takara Jenny friends, too.
Wow, D7ana!! I'm impressed by your Barnabus Collins doll. My husband really likes that show.
I think I do ahve the same LIE, Dana... basically I used to get all the KISARAs and Lie issued... and for the boys, all the Raphs... haaaais... I miss them, must photograph them again soon....
I loved Angelique the most... that actress was good and beautiful... all their costumes and hair styles mirrored aso much those of Barbie in those times....
Hi Bb! Glad you like Barnabas Collins in the vinyl ;-D
His um distinct looks are from the artistry of Majestic Studios, an action figure and collectibles manufacturer based in Hong Kong. I did not alter him in any fashion - he came as he is shown ;-)
I don't if I should be scared of Barnabas or scared of Lie because she looks like she has that inner darkness with an innocent facade in this photo. It's as if Barnabas is just her pet.
Niel, I love that idea.
Let's see ... Lie/Rie stands before Barnabas. She has her right hand out to restrain him. Her eyes avoid direct contact so that the viewer will not see the ageless knowing in them. Her demure mien and virginal dress hide her true rapacious nature. Those who dare oppose her will, those hapless creatures will be destroyed by her tame vampire-man.
Uh huh. That could work ;-D
Is that the Alvin Ailey outfit on her?
Yes, that is the Alvin Ailey Barbie dress (bodysuit and full skirt actually) on Lie.
I couldn't find a semi-sheer white gauzy gown I first wanted so I used the AA outfit instead. I like this look better; it's less obvious.
The length of the torso on the bodysuit is so short it is are to find another doll that could fit it. I just love the skirt. I think I try the skirt with the Fashion Fever white peasant top. That might be a good length.
A white peasant blouse would go beautifully with the Alvin Ailey full skirt. Thanks for that suggestion. When I tire of seeing the outfit on Lie, I'll try that combination ;-)
I missed out getting that figure, but a guy from Florida who used to run Andgor Toys named Sam recently put one of his old Barnabas Collins sculpts up for auction. I won, and within a week and a half I "kitbashed" my own Barnabas Collins action figure! I actually like mine better than the Majestic version. The only thing missing is the extra heads and hands. BTW, I heard that the 8" version is being re-released and that Blackula might be as well!
Hi Charles and thanks for your comment. Congratulations on your Barnabas Collins figure. I don't recall an 8" version of Barnabas, but I probably would not have been focused on that size figure. (Only have a few 8" adults in my crew.)
Do you mean the 12" Blackula that Majestic Studies - to my admittedly imperfect recollection - never produced? That would be cool. I'd need another body so that both the human and the vampire faces could be used. I doubt I would have much use for the worm-blood head though. That would be neat.
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