Usually, I see this type of doll, avert my face, and shudder. Cheap. Cheesy. Ick.
But I saw this set in a Forman Mills' discount shop and thought, wow! This guy has RED hair and a character face. Think bouncing red ball excitement. And he's an ethnic redhead. Add fluttering hands and oooooohhhhhhs. In my head is where this action occurs ... don't want to get tossed out of a store for acting odd. Sigh. Externally think great, giddy grin and impatient hops while walking.
On the back of the box, there is a photo of the Caucasian Happy Family in the Defa Lucy series. He's redheaded, too. And these guys are jointed.

Forman Mills had other Defa Lucy sets. I've also seen this series at A.J. Wright stores. They are Barbie clones. Very good Barbie likeness, but otherwise, on the cheaper end of Barbie clones. And they come with interesting accessories and even more interesting copy on the boxes. Lucy's male companion in one set is described as her "lover." Eyes sparkle and deep grin spreads ... imagine those Walmart mommies with their fuss about married Midge being pregnant and NOT having her husband Alan in the same box! Evil cackle escapes me. It's just that easy to fall in love with a new series.
Defa Lucy is produced by Guangzhou Lebay Children Articles Co., LTD.
I haven't seen an non-Caucasian Defa Lucy before. And hurray for the jointed guy! The female dolls have very anorexic legs. I bought one just because of her accessories.
Actually, I only know that his elbows are jointed; I am not sure about his knees. I should have been clearer about that. The dolls are not mine; they belong to someone I know.
The ethnic Defa Lucy is probably for the U.S. market. It's unfortunate that the toy companies don't recognize that ethnic dolls are appreciated outside the U.S.
The accessories are cute and some are in "normal" colors.
Do they have these dolls now? I would like to purchase a set. How much are they?
Hi Ms. Leo! I saw the Defa Lucy dolls yesterday. The three doll set was $9.99. There were a few of them. Here's the Forman Mills store information: Northeast Philadelphia, 5694 Rising Sun Avenue at the corner of Rising Sun and Adams Avenue in Philadelphia, PA 19120; the phone number is 215-722-5281.
I do not go to the Northeast often; the Defa dolls may be at other locations, too ;-)
Whoa, a red headed guy, and jointed limbs!? Too cool! Thanks for introducing me to all these brands I never heard of before:) Now to find them...
Hi Smidge Girl! Actually, I only see that his elbows are jointed. I am not sure about his legs. (He was bought by another collector who graciously allowed me to photograph her Christmas present before she wrapped him.)
Still a red-haired playscale man with a different face is hard to come by. I would check the discount stores in your area: NOT the dollar stores, but the bargain stores like Forman Mills or A.J. Wright and possibly chain drug stores like Rite Aid.
I Got Him!!
I got him and another male too! Thanks for the info D7ana! I had seen him in another store for twice the cost! His arms and legs are jointed! I will have to post pictures. The other male is not jointed. I think that they will make good additions to my doll community! I wounder what doll the face mold came from?
This is so cool. I love that he is red-headed. I have never heard of this brand of dolls before. I would have ooohed and aaahed myself. Your friend is a lucky gal. :-)
Glad to hear that you got him, Ms. Leo! And at half price - whoo!
Thanks for confirming that he is jointed, too. Now I really have to get hi :-D
Chelle, yes, viva la difference LOL. You and I might have seen these or similar dolls before without the unusual guy or the interesting accessories. The female doll alone resembles Barbie, but she's definitely a knock-off doll.
The Dad doll in your Defa Lucy AA Happy Family has the head from the S Club 7 Jon doll. Compare the two. :D
Thanks for that link and for sharing that connection, Omar! Wow! To think of that Jon mold re-surfacing like that, with a new company. Makes me wonder if some of these smaller companies don't find discarded old molds and then re-use them. Neat!
I have Paul from the S Club 7 group; he's sooo cute ;-D The doll, I mean. Not to dismiss the actor/singer.
Wow! I just saw these the first time in big lots and I was amazed! They are really cute! They even had some reall cute outfits:)
Hi Chynadoll! Yes, the red-haired father is cute whether he has the gray complexion or the pink one, lol. I thought his fashions were as nice if not nicer than the mother's fashion. And as you can read in the other comments, he is JOINTED!
So Big Lots! has the Defa dolls now, too. Neat. I will look for them there when I get a chance ... other things working out, of course.
For cheapie, Barbie clones, the Defas don't look too bad but I can't abide the scrawny,straight legs...LOL. The packs do come with some interesting accessories though.
Hi Adventures in Gay Dating! I agree with you about the Defa scrawny legs. Shudder. And some of their accessories are cute.
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