Thursday, July 9, 2009

Three New Dolls: Celebrate Disco and S.i.S. Kara & Kianna

I saw the S.i.S. dolls in the Cottman Avenue Toys R Us. They had two Grace & Courtney sets and one each of the others. I looked at Grace, but between the hot pants and the frosted lipstick, I realized, I could hold off on getting her. Trichelle & Janessa, I could also hold on getting because Trichelle reminds me a lot of the first Raven doll (I have) and she has red-red threads running through her black curls. Kara won because her red-brown hair, warm brown complexion, and medium brown eyes differed from the other dolls in my collection. Photos below:

Back of the box ... when they show graphics here, I like to see them.

And a gift from my Mom: