I was seeking the Barbie Basics at a Walmart on Roosevelt Boulevard when I saw a Black Candy Glam doll. Hmmm ... something odd here. Click. Charles. Dollstuff dot net. Aha!
As Charles wrote, there was NO Black doll in the original Barbie Candy Glam series. The four regular Candy Glam dolls each represent a different candy flavor and that candy's "smell" and "look." There was Cotton Candy Barbie, Rock Candy Raquelle, Lemon Lime Teresa, and Cherry Vanilla Summer; there were no Black or Asian dolls in that series. So seeing this lone Candy Glam Nikki in Walmarts for $5.00, I knew she had to come home with me. Sure, I have Asha-faced dolls erupting from nearly every flat surface - well, maybe not just Asha-faced dolls - but this one wanted to be with my sixth scale crew. Why?
- She has a normal-sized head. Instant points.
- She's clearly a last-minute doll because she has the same dress/candy theme as Barbie; the other Candy Glam dolls have unique outfits/different candy themes. What, Nikki doesn't rate her own candy? Tsk.
- I walked away and looked at other things then came back, and she was still there. Waiting for me. The nail in the coffin, I thought.
So, of course, I had to take her home.