Charles first wrote about these dolls on his doll website. When I saw Daniela and Katie today, I noticed that their dogs wore clothes, too. I think that Barbie only had leashes for her four-legged friends. Perhaps she didn't want to be upstaged by any of her pets? Hmmm ... more likely, she just didn't consider clothes necessary. (Have to say, that I side with Barbie on this one.)
Anyway, I laughed to see the poor doggies dressed so. Dogs really put up with a lot. Our cat Louie used to sneer at a neighbor's dressed dogs. You would never see this cat dressed in people clothes, I imagined Louie thinking. Louie is still here and refusing to stay "dressed" in any clothes put on him. The cute dogs formerly next door to us have since moved elsewhere with their owners.
Here are the photos of the two Liv dolls I saw at Target today:
Daniela and Pet

Katie and Pet

well... I did try to take a few photos of the bunny "channelling Aragorn" - little sword stuck on his paw - but they didn't turn out too well :(
I have photos of Louie in a yellow dog sweater. He's working his way out of it. He's NOT a clothes-wearing cat LOL.
My dogs refuse to wear clothes or sleep under covers. They will put up with a lot, but they do draw a line in the sand for some issues....
These pets are dressed like their doll 'owners' which I think is an ethical slippery slope. Animals are living creatures and not fashion accessories they way seem to be depicted with some doll lines. I think Bratz are probably the worst offenders in terms of presenting animals as fashion accessories.
These dolls do look cute, though. (** quietly chants under her breath 'I don't need any more dolls. I don't need any more dolls. I don't need...' **)
Yes, the dolls' dogs are cute. The outfits can be removed, too, LOL. I like the idea of the doggie outfits more than the outfits themselves. (More miniature stuff). Sigh.
Bravo for your dogs for not wearing clothes. Kudos to you, too, ;-D for notsubjecting them to clothes.
My thinking regarding MORE dolls? I am sooo going to sell or otherwise emigrate some of the near duplicates that I have so I can bring in MORE. Balance act.
And I wouldn't keep the Liv heads - I'd get them to use their bodies for limited pose dolls - so it wouldn't really be *new* dolls per se. How's that for a plan? I might still end up with fewer dolls. So more is just an illusion ... except to my wallet and budget. (Boo hiss them for mean reality.)
hAHAHAHHAHHA, that's so cute!!
Cute dressed doggies ... awwww ;-D
Oh, crap! They're out already!? For some reason, I didn't think they were being released until March! Well, I don't have much interest in the dogs, dressed, or undressed-- although at least they are walking these dogs, and not carrying them in their purses. The clothes, however, are another story. Aaaargh. I cannot get more dolls. I cannot get more dolls. I cannot get more dolls... although your just buying them for the bodies argument is pretty convincing.
High five, Smidge Girl! See, not only would I get a new body for deserving dolls, I would get cool outfits, too. Doll and action figure clothes don't take up that much space.
You've added a benefit I had not considered. Thanks!
Thanks for reading my blog and for taking the time to tell me that you enjoy it, Elena. Kind words are always welcome.
I see that you leave a link to a blog about large dogs. Do you have large dogs and a doll collection?
Those dolls are lovely... though putting clothes on a dog is not just a fashion statement.
Some dogs need clothing because of their fur--- or their lack of it! Dogs with little or no hair, such as Chinese crested variety, freeze in cold weather! Other dogs with very short fur, such as Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Greyhounds, Weimaraners, can get sick in cold, windy weather. At the very least, covering them with a scarf of a loose-fitting doggy-jacket will keep them warm (even though it looks silly!)
Other dogs have long or very curly hair, and covering it with a loose-fitting garment can keep it from getting too dirty, soaked, or tangled in windy or rainy weather. Poofy-furred Pomeranians love going on walks as much as the next dog, but they don't like being soaked in the rain any more than you would.
Thanks for your comments, RoxytK!
I had not considered practical/weatherproofing clothes for dogs. That would make a difference. (I couldn't snicker at practical outfits ;-D)
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