I know I should be downsizing, BUT ... he was on sale. If I waited, I might have missed him. He was only $14.98 before tax. He's an Asian playscale male figure. (Hey, that's part of my defense. How many Asian playscale men can we collectors find? Uh huh. Understood, right? I formally forgive me.)
So what I won't be able to remove the boots. Omar from He's a Doll Yahoo Group and other doll and action figure sites notes that this Mr. Sulu can wear Ken clothes. (Defense argument number 3 - the price was argument number 2.)
Let's welcome Mr. Sulu from the Star Trek 2009 movie. Hey, where did he go?
Anyone think it was the Ken clothes comment?
it's hard to reduce buying when it comes to toys...
We can always make exceptions to our own rules. :) The exceptions are much trickier. Hahaha.
Thanks, AiS and Niel! Reducing is hard. And yes, I can make exceptions to my rules. Sigh. Nothing like sharing with my collector pals.
Oh, you downsize like me, lol! But I think all your arguments are perfectly valid. We all know you have a thing for Asian guys, so that should always be an exception! Waiting too long to get a doll, and then going back and seeing an empty spot on the shelf... Well, you saved yourself some pain! And how can you say no to a man in uniform. You did the right thing ;)
Thanks, SG, for understanding the importance of exceptions, LOL.
I have to confess - hides face in hands - while I dote on my elusive Asian guys - I can be indiscriminate with my playscale beaus. I have so many favorites among them, it's shameful. They are just so darn cute.
Sigh. Shrug. ;-D
Haha, I know the feeling. Maybe you should just make the exception for all cute guys then, lol. You can never have too many! By the way, I think Mr. Sulu would look adorable modeling that new pink Ken tuxedo! ;)
Oh yea, and we have to remember that "cute" is subjective and can vary - ha, ha, ha!
When shown the pink tuxed suit online, Mr. Sulu 2009 hastily informed me that he could not possibly fit tht jacket. He has heard that only the vintage Kens or possibly the kiddies (HSM crowd) could fit it. Present Kens like Fashionista, etc. hurried over to exclaim that no, they couldn't fit it either.
Rumor has it that my vintage Ken and vintage Alan are hiding among the boxed dolls. Sigh.
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