Here are two Takara Jenny Calendar Girls:

The one in the navy Schoolgirl uniform is Tamaki, an Art student; the other in the Reggae inspired-outfit is Reggae Jenny. I will write more about Jennys in future posts, but these are two of my favorites.
Next, are two Mattel Barbies, Birthstone Beauty for July and Zodiac Cancer:

I like these although poor Birthstone Beauty July looks starved. Model muse body. What can I say?
Happy belated birthday, D7ana! Grab your greeting and virtual cake here.
Happy birthday to you!
belated happy birthday Dana! :)
Thanks, DBG, MSJ, and Niel, for your kind birthday wishes!
DBG, the positive thing I can say about virtual cake is that it spends NO time on my hips, LOL.
Treating myself to gelato this weekend. Sigh. Cannot wait.
Happy Birthday! Hope you got yourself something nice! :)
Thanks, SmidgeGirl! Working on the getting something nice for me ;-D
I missed your birthday. So sorry. I hope it was fantastic!
Happy Belated Birthday Dana.
Thanks, Kim and Leon! I had Ciao Bella gelato, Key Lime Graham, so I was pretty happy with that. Oh and a seafood breakfast.
Another belated birthday wish! My own bday was two days ago... and I forgot about it hahaha
Terrible! We can't be overlooking our birthdays now. Bad sign, that ;-D
Hope that you have a great MONTH. You can make up for NOT having fun on the actual day, LOL.
Whoa, aren't you Cancer, too? (Like me?)
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