This is how the boxed doll looks, front and back.

Anyone tracking the Barbie exclusives? Know of a website doing so? I wonder if it is worth doing a Webshots photo folder of them?
Brotherly love in playscale: finding diversity in fashion dolls and action figures from the 1960s to now: Barbie, Fashion Royalty, Momoko, Susie, GI Joe, Power Team, Mixis.
I saw this at Kmart last weekend for 20% off. All my Kmarts are going out of business. Since this is exclusive to Kmart I'll keep checking on the weekends to see if it goes down any further because unfortunately, even at 20% off, their prices are still higher than at Target and Walmart. I may miss out though because I predict that things will be going fast as most people are happy to get 20% off but that doesn't work for me since they are overpriced anyway.
And thanks for the shout out!
ThanksD7ana! I wasn't aware that it was an exclusive. Now, is the best time. This weekend they have BOGO 50% off on all Barbie and Matchbox cars.
Hello from Spain: I read that this Barbie is a Kmart exclusive. I like. Keep in touch
Hi Muff, Georgia Girl, and Marta!
Kmarts is going out of business because they overprice stuff. Shrug.
I didn't know that Kmart is going out of business! I guess I will have to haunt them look for sales too!
Thanks for the heads up! I love that bag! I have a tripod, so there is a chance I will pass on this. It is at Kmart on-line for anyone who can't find it locally. It's priced at $14.99, which is only $1 more than the regular, non-exclusive Barbie I Can Be dolls. So not bad for an exclusive, especially if it can be caught for additional discount.
Hi Ms. Leo and Vanessa!
I am not sure if the Philly Kmarts are closing any more stores, Ms. Leo. (Note to self: call them ASAP.)
@Vanessa - my pleasure to share. I hope you get the bag that you'd like.
I don't know of any websites that keep track of Barbie exclusives, and I've seen several dedicated to Barbie. I only know that there have been many exclusive dolls made for Walmart, Kmart, Toys-r-us, Target and FAO Schwarz. My local Kmart isn't going out of business as far as I know, so no discounts there..:-(
Hi Cindi! Thanks for responding ;-D
Michael Augustyniak wrote a book about store exclusives. I wondered if anyone had taken up the watch since that book was published.
I don't think that the Philly Kmarts are going out of business yet either. Shrug. Well, I will be able to see stuff there when I can't go to Walmart or Target. They sell cat food, too, lol.
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