Brotherly love in playscale: finding diversity in fashion dolls and action figures from the 1960s to now: Barbie, Fashion Royalty, Momoko, Susie, GI Joe, Power Team, Mixis.
Monday, December 8, 2014
New Pinterest Board: I am NOT B@rbie
Collector Confession: when I see Fashion Royalty dolls labelled as "Barbies," I correct the error in my mind, but I would love to have a magic eraser to remove the error and a magic pen to enter the correct name. It's not a value matter - Integrity Toys' Fashion Royalty dolls have their good points. Mattel dolls have their good points. But ... they are NOT the same. Think Kleenex brand versus the generic word, tissue. Barbie is NOT the generic word for all playscale or all plastic fashion dolls. Other manufacturers deserve credit for the products they create.
A doll enthusiast buddy, Playscale Poser, suggested I upload photos of non-Barbie dolls I have to help others identify those dolls.
So I have decided to do my part in seeing that dolls and action figures are properly identified. Drumroll ... I unleash a NEW Pinterest board, I am NOT B@rbie . There, I'll post photos of other dolls and action figures. I only have about 14 pins up, but I plan on adding more. Suggestions always welcome.
Do you recognize me?
Yes D7ana, great idea! It's the same on 2nd hand sale sites here: many Barbie sized dolls are "Barbies" for the sellers! Or, they are all made in 1966 because it says so in the markings and are worth tons of money (some people apparently don't see that the fashion has changed a lot since then :-) ). I don't have a Pinterest account anymore, but you have some interesting things on there, maybe I'll re-join :-).
Great idea! This way you can also correct mistakes whenever you see them - just pin to the non-Barbie board and people who repin the same images may see "also pinned on [your board]" :)
what a great idea. It really bites into my pet peeves that people call my Poppys and Fashion Royalty dolls 'Barbies'. These are the same people who say- I have never seen her in Target! lol...we can only attempt to educate the public. I think our hobby suffers from people who think 1- all dolls are Barbies and 2- all people who are adults and 'play' with dolls are weird I have a pinterest that is quite active so will be following yours!
I feel the same way, D7ana. I cringe when I see an Integrity or other non-Barbie referred to as Barbie. I published a blog about this in the past, "Every Fashion Doll is Not Barbie," which can be read here.
That annoys me too, AND it makes searching ebay needlessly complicated! I suspect it's inevitable, though - all hobbies have those things that "outsiders" always get wrong. (And I have to admit I've occasionally used "Barbie" as a shorthand for "1/6 scale playline doll", particularly when talking to someone I know doesn't have any other frames of reference for dolls.) Educating people on the differences can't hurt, though!
Hi Night Owl, BlackKitty, Lisa Neault, Black Doll Enthusiast, and Anderson's All-Purpose!
@Night Owl - I think the 2nd hand shops online and off use "Barbie" because they assume that means money. Not always; some times, the seller could have gotten more had they called the doll by its brand and name. Sigh.
@BlackKitty - glad you like the idea; I like yours of repinning with corrections, incorrectly identified dolls. I can id more dolls. Great thinking ;-)
@Lisa Neault - I am following your playscale Pinterest boards. See I had missed some. Over 5 thousand pins! Now that's active ;-)
@Black Doll Enthusiast - thanks for sharing that link. Yikes, I had missed it before ;-)
@Anderson's All-Purpose - on eBay, I suspect people of using Barbie to get attention. That said, I have used Barbie when referring to playscale figures among non-enthusiasts. Seeing photos mislabeled though, no. Tsk, tsk.
Heh, while I totally understand the frustration in conversations, I love seeing mislabelled dolls on eBay (or other secondary market sales places) - that's always the best way to get a deal!
You are providing a much-needed service to the doll community. I'm also frustrated with people who post pictures of attractive dolls who don't necessarily call them Barbies, but don't who they are. If I like the doll, how can I see if I want to buy it if I don't know who she is!!
Your new Pinterest board reminds me of a fashion-related Tumblr blog called This is NOT Victorian. Marie Antoinette? Not Victorian. Jane Austen? Not Victorian. Queen Elizabeth? NOT VICTORIAN. Of course, I'm so nit-picky I get irritated by people who mix up the Victorian and Edwardian, so there you are.
@The Grandmommy - glad you're interested. Hope to share new dolls for all.
@Barb the Evil Genius - thanks for the encouragement.
Thanks for that Victorian link. I love the terms “superfluous women” or “redundant women.” Hello! Guess who doesn't want to be propelled back in time? Me, lol!
Yes D7ana, great idea! It's the same on 2nd hand sale sites here: many Barbie sized dolls are "Barbies" for the sellers! Or, they are all made in 1966 because it says so in the markings and are worth tons of money (some people apparently don't see that the fashion has changed a lot since then :-) ). I don't have a Pinterest account anymore, but you have some interesting things on there, maybe I'll re-join :-).
Great idea! This way you can also correct mistakes whenever you see them - just pin to the non-Barbie board and people who repin the same images may see "also pinned on [your board]" :)
what a great idea. It really bites into my pet peeves that people call my Poppys and Fashion Royalty dolls 'Barbies'. These are the same people who say- I have never seen her in Target! lol...we can only attempt to educate the public.
I think our hobby suffers from people who think 1- all dolls are Barbies and 2- all people who are adults and 'play' with dolls are weird
I have a pinterest that is quite active so will be following yours!
I feel the same way, D7ana. I cringe when I see an Integrity or other non-Barbie referred to as Barbie. I published a blog about this in the past, "Every Fashion Doll is Not Barbie," which can be read here.
That annoys me too, AND it makes searching ebay needlessly complicated! I suspect it's inevitable, though - all hobbies have those things that "outsiders" always get wrong. (And I have to admit I've occasionally used "Barbie" as a shorthand for "1/6 scale playline doll", particularly when talking to someone I know doesn't have any other frames of reference for dolls.) Educating people on the differences can't hurt, though!
Hi Night Owl, BlackKitty, Lisa Neault, Black Doll Enthusiast, and Anderson's All-Purpose!
@Night Owl - I think the 2nd hand shops online and off use "Barbie" because they assume that means money. Not always; some times, the seller could have gotten more had they called the doll by its brand and name. Sigh.
@BlackKitty - glad you like the idea; I like yours of repinning with corrections, incorrectly identified dolls. I can id more dolls. Great thinking ;-)
@Lisa Neault - I am following your playscale Pinterest boards. See I had missed some. Over 5 thousand pins! Now that's active ;-)
@Black Doll Enthusiast - thanks for sharing that link. Yikes, I had missed it before ;-)
@Anderson's All-Purpose - on eBay, I suspect people of using Barbie to get attention. That said, I have used Barbie when referring to playscale figures among non-enthusiasts. Seeing photos mislabeled though, no. Tsk, tsk.
I'll add my "Great idea!" with the rest of them!
Heh, while I totally understand the frustration in conversations, I love seeing mislabelled dolls on eBay (or other secondary market sales places) - that's always the best way to get a deal!
Great idea! I get them confused as I am not a knowledgeable Fashion doll collector.
Hi Muff and jSarie!
@Muff - thanks for the feedback. More confirmation is always welcome!
@jSarie - lol, that's a bonus I had not considered ;-) Good thinking!
You are providing a much-needed service to the doll community. I'm also frustrated with people who post pictures of attractive dolls who don't necessarily call them Barbies, but don't who they are. If I like the doll, how can I see if I want to buy it if I don't know who she is!!
Your new Pinterest board reminds me of a fashion-related Tumblr blog called This is NOT Victorian. Marie Antoinette? Not Victorian. Jane Austen? Not Victorian. Queen Elizabeth? NOT VICTORIAN. Of course, I'm so nit-picky I get irritated by people who mix up the Victorian and Edwardian, so there you are.
Hi The Grandmommy and Barb the Evil Genius.
@The Grandmommy - glad you're interested. Hope to share new dolls for all.
@Barb the Evil Genius - thanks for the encouragement.
Thanks for that Victorian link. I love the terms “superfluous women” or “redundant women.” Hello! Guess who doesn't want to be propelled back in time? Me, lol!
Glad to see that you were able to get that going!
Now to add more faces to the board. Thanks for the idea, Studio 126!
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