Sometimes, they are in the doll's box. This exquisite "gold" and "jade" jewelry necklace, bracelet, and earrings set are kept with the Integrity Toys Candi doll that they belong to. Some "rainy day," I will remove them from their plastic baggie and let her wear them.
Other times, they are in containers purchased with accessory-holding in mind.

Or in doll manufacturer's packages like this Mattel box that held an Audrey Hepburn fashion.

Or in this clever, plastic rather than styrofoam egg carton. Neat huh?

I like the view from the bottom. I may get another of these to store doll shoes and sneakers.

And another place where I keep accessories is with loose fashions. Like this Sterilite bin full of some of my male DAFs' fashions.

Where are your doll accessories? Share links to your favorite sites. Thanks in advance.
I've stored a lot of my little accessories that came with my original Barbie fashions in the box my first Barbie came in. However, last year I bought a clear plastic set of drawers which was supposed to be for makeup I think and that's perfect for storing doll shoes. I'll have to go back and see if I can find another one.
One storage solution I use for little stuff are plastic boxes I pick up for $1.25 at the Dollar Store. I think they are called "10 Compartments Plastic Adjustable Tool Box Case." I store items that relate to each other. For instance, one container for all spaghetti dinner items, another container for all re-ment breakfast items. The "relate to each other" thing works for me.
Keep going, D. I am rooting for you. :D
Mine are mostly in plastic drawer containters. I like that egg idea. They could probably be stacked neatly too!
I used clear plastic container for beads, I used it to keep my doll shoes & jewelry.For my doll clothes I bought several boxs closet organizers.
Hi Carrickters, Roville, The grandmommy, and Jayric!
@Carrickters - yes, doll boxes can be good for storage. Please share the link if you post photos of clear plastic set of drawers. It's fun to see what others have ;-)
@Roville - Hmmm ... thanks for that suggestion. I'll check for that box next time I'm in a Dollar Tree store. I like the "relate to each other" consideration.
@The grandmommy - I like plastic drawers, too. And the egg cartons could be stacked. Colored plastic look nice through it.
@Jayric - thanks for those suggestions. Please share any links, if you can and if you want to ;-)
The first time I clicked the link to this post I only got an empty page, so I figured it was some kind of meta joke, lol
My accessories end up in whatever sort of container is nearby. One of those bead boxes with different size compartments would be great, but I'm waiting for a sale. I've seen the kind with adjustable compartment dividers, but that's probably not a good idea for tiny earrings and such. The egg carton is probably easier to retrieve tiny things from - no corners!
I have the tendency to dump all accessories into a single 4-drawer storage unit, which is great at keeping things from getting lost, but not great at reminding me of which items went with which dolls...
I love the egg carton idea though, so I'm going to steal that one!
Hi Anderson's All-Purpose and jSarie!
@Anderson's All-Purpose - no meta joke - I hit "Publish" instead of "save" then I "reverted to draft" so a version of this post was available and then withdrawn ;-P
I apologize to the 8 people who saw the earlier draft or the empty page.
I imagine tiny earrings could slide outside their space and possibly get snagged under the divider walls? Any earrings I have removed are stored in a plastic bubble-thingie like the ones found in vending machines. They're a semi-sheer plastic oval top with a flat bottom.
Note to self: get photo up of that item.
Good luck finding a sale ;-)
jSarie - lol, at least you have a central, go to spot ;-)
Re: the clear egg carton - isn't it a shame to waste such a neat - as Anderson's All-Purpose points out, there are no corners for things to get lost in - storage unit? Go forth and find one.
Wow, you have all kinds of cute accessories! And I love the use of the plastic egg container.
I use lidded bead containers, the kind with dividers, to store my doll shoes. These containers also double as doll beds and get covered with quilts (so do rectangular cookie tins). Other than that, I love those sets of plastic drawers. I'm always looking for more at thrift stores, but they sell so fast!
Plastic Talenti containers look promising for future storage. The husband uses them for his workshop and studio, but he's running out of places for them. I blame Caramel Cookie Crunch and Fudge Brownie for being so darn good. ;)
I keep my accessories/food in the plastic bead containers that can be made into several compartments. My shoes are stored in a couple of decorative boxes. My clothes are in a 4-drawer (spilling over) rolling bin.
I am also rooting for you! You are doing great!!
My doll accessories are stored in plastic drawers. I bought tiny "jewelry" boxes to store shoes and jewelry and use those small zip lock bags for belts, lingerie, and hosiery. The tiny bracelets are stored in those 7-day pill boxes. I do like your idea of repurposing packaging to store other objects.
I'll try to take some pictures of my storage stuff. I'm in the midst of resorting and cleaning up.
Hi Sarah Sequins, Georgia Girl, April_n_paris, and Barb the Evil Genius! Thanks for your suggestions.
@Sarah Sequins - lol, I LOVE the Talenti gelatos and sorbets as much as I like their nice clear plastic containers. The Fudge Brownie sounds scrumptious. Have you tried their Tiramisu yet? Eyes and hands flutter. Anticipation ....
@Georgia Girl - ah, a rolling cart would be neat.
Thanks for rooting for me. It keeps me going when I get lazy ;-)
@April_n_paris - I like that 7-day pill box idea for the really tiny stuff.
Some containers are too pretty to use once. Plus I can defend my gelato prchases - it's a twofer - good sweet AND storage unit, lol.
@Barb the Evil Genius - oh yes, that would be fun. When you can. I will look forward to that post ;-)
Organization makes me soooo happy! Even if it's not my own, I like seeing it done, lol.
Ok so yes, I am organize but no I will share. My dolls are kinda everywhere but together, lol. I do have the shoes is plastic storage bins I got from Hobby Lobby and if I am missing a show it goes in the the larger spot so I can easily find it. I did organize my dolls clothes and then placed them in a Rubbermaid tub, yeah space is tight. Let not even talk about what behind the couch, lol! You know what the good thing is..I can find EVERYTHING I'm looking for. Hopefully soon I will be in my own apartment and then the fun can really begin.
Hi Muff and Brini!
@Muff = LOL - glad to spread the joy ;-)
@Brini - if you know where everything is, that sounds organized to me. Go Brini, rocking the organized life! I'm going to join you ;-)
D7ANA, i want those fashions!!!
Give it to me jheheheheheh
I would love to live in America, there are to many assortments of fashions very very sheap in ebay...
Here in Brazil everything is pricy T_T
Di -
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