Saturday, March 28, 2009

Smartees: Smart Friends for Smart Girls

Ten years ago - 1999 - the Smartees were introduced to the doll-buying public. These dolls were "smart friends for smart girls." Though Barbie-sized, they were not beauty-glamor focused. Each doll presented a different career. Career-related accessories were included with the dolls as well as the standard comb and brush.

First there were four:

Ashley the Attorney
Destiny the Doctor
Emily the Entrepreneur
Vicky the Veterinarian

Then there were six:

The original four plus
Alexis the Artist
Jessica the Journalist

And then seven:

Taylor the Teacher joined the group

Nine - two more professionals:

Amanda the Architect
Caitlin the Chef

And finally, ten:

Nicole the Nurse

I have all except Alexis the Artist. You can see photos of my Smartees dolls here


  1. And then of course they went out of business. :( Alternatives to Barbie never seem to last that long.

  2. P.S. I sent you a PM on MWD because I don't have your E-mail address and I had a favor to ask you.

  3. No, Barbie alternatives never do seem to last long. The cultural message transmitted by Barbie is stronger than her competitors. I don't consider Barbie the evil genius in this; she's a doll reflecting our culture. Wonderful as the alternatives are - Smartees, Get Set Club, Get Real Girls, and now Mixis - they can't outdo Barbie. Shrug. I don't know if it's that parents don't buy these dolls or if kids don't play with them.

  4. Wow! Thanks for the pictures! I am a doll collector myself, I rescued one today from the thrift store and I think she might be the artist you are missing! At least, I think, I know nothing of these dolls, but found your blog by searching Google using markings on her neck. She is wearing a barret that is still attached with the plastic, a blue coat, black turtleneck and flowered skirt. I hope to feature her on my blog soon!
    Thanks for helping me figure out who she was :)


  5. You're welcome! Glad to help ;-D

    I look forward to seeing your Alexis the Artist Smartees doll on your blog.
