Friday, July 24, 2009

Warning: Summer Heat Advisory

Just a reminder that summer heat can damage dolls. Melting plastic is NOT pretty. Please check on your dolls and action figures. I noticed that the boots for my Harley Davidson Barbie were greasy. Her feet and lower legs - where the boots touched her feet and calves - were also greasy. I have removed the offending boots, and I'm going to wipe her feet.

Sun and heat ruin collections. Take care.


  1. I'm sorry this happened to your doll, but thanks for the warning! I inspected my H-D Barbie today through her see-through box. Everything looks okay.

  2. You're welcome! I removed the dangerous boots and wiped her feet. Her feet look clean - grease free, I mean ;-D. I'm hoping that I got her in time.

    I'm waiting to hear back from another collector who seemed familiar with this problem. From the box, I couldn't tell anything was wrong. It was only when I removed her boots that I saw her feet and lower calves were greasy. Ick. I'll write more on this problem.

    Now I'm wondering if I should put any closed shoes on her. She's told me that she is NOT giving up her Harley so I better find her some suitable shoewear or she's riding barefoot. The Harley Kens made unconvincingly sympathetic sounds. They think that they'll inherit the bike. Sigh.

  3. Greasy like covered with melting plastic? Unfortunate!

    P.S. Thanks for your congratulations on my new job. I just started last Monday.

  4. It seems as if someone had dipped her foot in Vaseline and then put the boots on. Only she was perfectly tied into her box, no signs of tampering. The boots are still greasy even though I wiped them off, too. Barbie's feet seem clear now.

    I noticed your LI update. Glad to read good news in these days ;-).
