Tuesday, October 26, 2010

2011 Ken Previews - See Charles' and Jef's Websites!

Charles of Charles' Doll Pages has some gorgeous photos and updates about some of the 2011 Kens. Do check his website.

Next, Jef at Keeping Ken has information about a Sweet Talking Ken who wouldn't appeal to me, but who might appeal to some. This Ken repeats in his voice, what the person "playing with" him wants Ken to say. I always thought the thrill of being with another person was to have that person's comments, etc. I could always tell myself whatever I want to hear without using another person as a puppet. Poor Ken.

Then again, Ken tends to break some expectations of how a man should act.

Shaving Fun Ken, though, I would snap up as soon as I could. Who can resist a bearded Ken?


  1. From Charles: "...this head is actually proportionate with playline Barbie's!!"

    What?!!! Big headed Ken? I didn't see that coming.

  2. somehow i always think that they made Ken looks much more prettier than Barbie. even with beard. lol

  3. LOL, Niel! But in those photos, alas, looks like Ken will have Super-sized heads. (No pun intended ;-P)

    Yes, some of the Kens are prettier than some of the Barbies, iLham. Some of my guys are definitely of that opinion ;-D

    Some of them don't see what all the fuss about Barbie is about, LOL. Course they are careful to NOT say that aloud.
