Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February: Month of Hearts and ToyFair

When you think of February, what images come to mind? Red and pink hearts, white lace doilies, cards, roses and other flowers, but best of all, chocolate. Heart beat accelerating. Anxious sweating. Hand wringing. Wishing and hoping and hopping from foot to foot take up more time. With all this emotional stuff occurring, it must be about Valentine’s Day, right? Ummm … no. With February looming, I think of

TOY FAIR 2011!

Yes, it's that time again. New dolls, new action figures, and new STUFF!

Don't forget to check at Asmzine or your favorite doll and action figure news for when their pages update with news about the new 2011 dolls and action figures!


  1. Primeira vez que acesso, gostei de tudo, maravilhoso; parabens!


  2. Agradecimentos para visitar meu blogue, Nely! Eu estou feliz que vocĂȘ apreciou o ler. Se vocĂȘ gostaria de saber mais sobre algumas das bonecas mostradas aqui, deixe-me por favor saber.

  3. And to think I have a new resolution to buy less this year! Good luck to me. :)

  4. Good luck, Niel. That's my resolution too. Think it won't last long though.

    However, I am trying to NOT get as many duplicates as I have done. (Trying to look virtuous. Failing to do so. Looking calculating instead, LOL.)
