Wednesday, March 30, 2011

At Last ... Barbie Basic AA Male (Steven?)

He's finally here in EastPhilly: the Black Barbie Basics male - possibly the new face of Steven? I haven't deboxed him yet, but I saw him in Target and before I knew it, he leapt into my shopping cart. (Cheeky fellow? Yes, indeed. I had NOOO intention of buying him at this time.) Moreover, he mesmerized me long enough to have me pass my credit information to the salesclerk. Then I bagged him (him being the Barbie Basics doll - of course!) and took the same him home. What a male doll!

Well, as long as he is here, he can help me gather the Kens and the Mattel Brothers of Ken together. He needs to do something to make up for his early entrance here ... something other than a "Wow, is he amazingly manscaped!"

By the way, does anyone know if this gentleman is "Black Ken" or the new "Steven?"


  1. Too funny! Better to make an early entrance than none at all. I don't think he is Ken or Steven. Whatever face mold they used, is probably his new name. Do you recognize this mold or is it a new one? Let me know when you find a body for him. I thought I would be able to use an S.I.S. Darren, but the neck is too different.

  2. Thanks, Vanessa! Wow a new AA male in the Barbieverse! I think he is a new face sculpt. DBG of Black Doll Collecting wrote a post comparing this new guy, an AA Ken, and Darren.

    I'm not sure if I will rebody him. He has such style and class as he is. Like he showed up and enough said, lol. Like the AA Go for Red Barbie.

  3. He is a dream!!! One of my favorite purchases and I order him to get him. I thought he would never arrive in Philly! Reboding is going to be hard! I don't think that they have made a swivel nick Steve in that sknin tone. If there is one, he would have the gift giving arms and the neck would be too short! Sitting on his shoulders! Your right D7ana, he will stay on that body for a while.

  4. Hi Ms. Leo! Yes, our new gorgeous guy will probably remain on that body for some time. Hmm ... but his face wears that body so well, lol.

  5. From the moment I first saw this guy on the shelves, I kept thinking "they must have modeled him after Drake!" Needless to say, Drizzy joined my collection as soon as he could. Hmm, with all these celebrity resemblances, I may have to do a Basics post soon!

  6. Hi Amystika18n! OMG, that's one of the Degrassi kids. Drake, that is.

    A Barbie Basics post? Oh do - do do one. And you'll tie in the celebrity resemblances, too?

    Oh, Bad D7ana, for telling someone what to write ;-P

  7. Yeah, my mom used to watch Degrassi, and she says she knew even then that Drake was going places. Looks like she was right!
    Thanks for your interest in a Basics post! It'll take some time for me to get some good pictures together, but I plan to get it going soon. Yes, I'll definitely tie in the celebrity references!

  8. Hi Amystika18n! Curious, I checked Drake's videos. Nice voice, but oh those lyrics! And the crotch-grabbing. Do they think someone is going to steal their member or that it'll fall off? LOL.

    Sigh. Me being "old," ha ha.

    I'll look for that Basics post ;-D
