The universe must have decided I've been neglecting my action figures: while seeking old print outs for Integrity Janay dolls for
Dolls of Color, I came across two articles I had printed about G.I. Joe. Checked to see if the web sites were still there; they were. So, I have to share them with any new Joe fans OR old Joe fans who had seen them but lost the link.
Joe HeadsFirst, if you want to read interesting articles about G.I. Joe,
MasterCollector is a site you
need to see. The
Hasbro Heads article only dips your foot into the quicksand of Joe's World. Tread carefully because these articles are like Lay's potato chips: you can't read just one. Reading leads to awareness of new playscale
The extremely sales resistant OR utterly broke may dare investigate G.I. Joe Club. Warning, you will find dolls um action figures like the
Man of Asia or the G.I. Joe 2009 Club exclusive action figure, a reproduction of the
Black Talking Commander who wears the cutest Adventure Team logoed boxers imaginable. Squeal. Oops ... sorry, Joe fans. I recognize that "cute" is
NOT a suitable adjective for this worthy figure. Ahem.
Joe Kilt PatternAnyone sewing? How about a classic Scottish kilt for your 12" Joes? R. Scott Roger's MacJoe site provides a
pattern and instructions on how your Joe can
wear his kilt. Notice the omission of the word, "cute." I
am trying.
Happy viewing and happy sewing!