Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Mixis Dolls and Outfits in Another Blog! Great Photos!

As I mentioned in another post, I am always seeking new links about 1:6 scale dolls and action figures. So I skimmed an article by Lee Odden called 6 Social Search Engines to Start 2009. Mr. Odden mentioned a social search engine that I had NOT used before, WhosTalkin?. Well, I clicked on the link and voila! in addition to my PhillyCollector blog, I netted another blog with an article on the Mixis dolls.

The article, Mixis Collectible Dolls Are Worldly In Their Fashion And Looks by Kris Abel in his blog, Tech Life: 21st Century Gadgets and Toys, provides information about the Mixis dolls AND lovely photos of the dolls and their sold separate outfits. Now I MUST get the Chinese and the Central American outfits after seeing photos of the outfits in their baggies and on some of the dolls.

Kris Abel Blog

Here is the link to the Lee Odden article.

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