We unpacked the Show and Tell items we had each brought. Cyndy brought a charming hostess gift for Ms. Leo - which I will leave for Ms. Leo to describe - and a well-constructed wooden doll trunk created by her husband. Cyndy explained how he put together two shadow boxes and how she decorated the interior of the box.
Ms. Leo brought some of her new dolls: Max, Marie, and Lena of the Prettie Girls. (So Cyndy and I got to see a Prettie Girl doll in the vinyl. Very helpful. Now I want at least THREE of those dolls ... sometime next year, but THREE. Pleased to have decided that.) Ms. Leo also brought a doll clothes pattern book, some accessories, and two neat rug coverings that I claimed along with a pair of men's sneakers when we made trades. My printer is out of ink so the rugs were a welcome accessory since I would not have been able to print them online anytime soon.
I brought a NRFB YNU Group Inc. Limited Edition Emerald, a LE Rosa, and a First Edition Opal as well as accessories and my extra Mixis doll fashion. Ms. Leo had wanted to see the Mixis dolls and the series was new to Cyndy. I got to see Lena of the Prettie Girls. Yes, the Prettie Girls and the Mixis dolls can wear each other’s clothes with only two off elements:

The Mixis dolls are a little wider in the torso so more fitted Prettie Girls fashions may not fit them properly. Lena's blouse barely fit Opal. The Prettie Girls' torso is closer to Barbie's with an inward curve at the lower back similar to the new JLo doll

The Prettie Girls have slightly longer legs so Opal’s jeans might seem high-water on Lena. However, Lena’s pants (which I thought were high-water) fit Opal's leg length.

See how the Prettie Girls body dips at the lower back.

As I mentioned, I had fun. Thanks, Ms. Leo for making the arrangements for this meet and for bringing me out of my home doll cave ;-) Thanks Cyndy for coming along and contributing to a jolly time. See you both next year.
That's awesome that you guys got to meet and share dolly time. Thanks for the pictures. Good to know the Lena dolls can wear the Mixis clothes. I plan to add Lena to my collection.
Hi Vanessa! Yes, it was fun to talk dolls in person ;-)
You're welcome. Ms. Leo took photos, too. I look forward to seeing hers.
Lena had been my first choice and then Valencia, but now I'm waiting for Alexie, Dahlia and Kimani. I will enjoy seeing your character, Lena.
How cool! dolly meet ups are so much fun! Glad you had a wonderful time and thanks for the pics ;-)
That sounds like a lot of fun, D7ana! Thanks for sharing your photos.
Aww, this seems like so much fun and you made it sound so mysterious, lol, like you met at a clandestine location and shared the latest and greatest of dolls.
Hello from Spain: I really like meeting other collectors dolls. I always learn. These meetings are fun. Lena is a beautiful doll. In my country it is not for sale. Happy New Year.
I think we all had a great time! I hope more are able to come next time. I will email them you post. It might inspire. I thought I took pictures of you Mixis but I don't see them. I hope to post pictures soon.
Espero conseguir una, a mi ciudad no han llegado, gracias por compartir.
The Prettie Girls look interesting. I'm glad they got a torso joint, and I love Lena's outfit!
How wonderful that you three were able to meet and greet in the name of dolls. I enjoyed the pictures and look forward to seeing Ms. Leo's pictures too.
Did anyone take photos of the real-live dolls? It's always nice to see the faces behind blogs.
Oh lovely and welcome messages! Thanks Chynadoll, Roxanne, Muff, Marta, Ms. Leo, Lindaivette, Anderson's All Purpose, and DBG!
@Chynnadoll and Roxanne - yes, the meeting was fun. Picture taking was fun, too. Better light than I usually have, lol.
@Muff - wish I could write that we met in someone's batcave - oohh, could that be me, me with the secret batcave? I always wanted one of those, lol - but no, we met at a neighborhood place. Ha, ha. No, teasing aside, I thought I would leave some stuff for Ms. Leo to post. So this is my feeble attempt at stirring up interest and drama ;-)
@Marta - yes, meetings are fun indeed. You might be able to order Lena or one or more of the other Prettie Girls dolls from one of the vendors.
@Ms. Leo - yes, I think you took comparison photos of Opal and Lena. Not 100% sure now though ... And thanks for sharing this post.
Usted es bienvenido, Lindaivette! Me gustaría que usted acaba de dicha reunión algún día en tu ciudad. Tal vez en el año 2014?
You are welcome, Lindaivette! I wish that you have just such a meeting someday in your city. Perhaps in 2014?
@Anderson's All Purpose - yes, they are interesting. There are 3 on my Wish List ;-D
@DBG - lol, no photos of the real-live dolls. We were all camera shy, ha ha. Glad you enjoyed the other photos though ;-D
That seemed like a fun time had by all. Wish I lived near, would have loved to have joined with my dolls too. Will you keep this up? Sounds like so so much fun!
Hi Eve*Sparkle! Yes, the doll meeting was fun. I would have liked for you to have joined in - the more, the merrier. If you return to the States, send a message and perhaps we can make that a reality. (Provided you can be in the Philly area ;-D)
I'd like to meet again. Ms. Leo thought maybe every fourth month ... We'll see. I will be glad to share some highlights from any future meetings. Thanks for your interest ;-)
Hello! It's Cyndy Bee here. Yes, I think a great time was had by all. It was so nice to meet some doll collectors up close and personal. Definitely looking forward to doing it again. Enjoying your blog, D7ana!
Hi Cyndy Bee! Glad to read you here ;-)
I updated this post to include your Flickr account. So others can get to enjoy your photos. Whoo!
Happy New Year!
Lucky you to be able to have such a meet-up. It sounds like you all had a lot of fun and saw some new things.
Happy New Year to you and wishing you lots more dolls.
Hi and Happy New Year to you, too, Carrickters! Yes, I think we all felt lucky and happy to have met and to have shared our doll findings. Feels wonderful to be able to directly talk to someone about the hobby and NOT get the pitying or resentful looks or hear the negative comments.
I know I wish more dolls for people, but I am starting to think fewer dolls, but more of the ones I really want. Ah, but that's for a blog post ;-)
How wonderful! Thanks for the comparison too. I so hoping the PrettieGirls make it here to Dotsville.
Hi Brini and you are welcome. I think Ms. Leo may have additional comparison photos. Anyway, I think that at least one of the PrettieGirls will land in Dotsville. Is there one that you prefer among them or are you thinking the whole lot ;-)
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