Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day 2009 and Recycling Query

Today is Earth Day 2009.

Let's see, I have been breaking up my DAF packaging, separating the cardboard parts from the mostly clear plastic parts. In Philadelphia, cardboard is recycled. Plastic can be separated at participating work places and some schools, but it is not yet picked up separately by the city sanitation workers. So plastic waste needs to be bagged to be picked up. Shrug. Someday, perhaps.

Anyway, I have been thinking how there might actually be a need for the empty clear clamshell pieces I have accumulated during this deboxing period. Maybe someone is too shy to ask? Well, I figured it couldn't hurt to offer the stuff to others so I put a note up in my Linkedin and my Facebook accounts. If I don't try, I'll never know. So that was Try 1.

Or Try 2 since Try 1 was a blurb on ....

Roville Update - April 21, 2009

A new Roville diorama/background story has been added as of April 21, 2009:


The Roville scenes have always been incredible - check the pale wooden floors in the "Bliss Boutique," but lately, there have been new characters, action figures repainted, that almost upstage the scenes. I would love to be able to repaint figures well. Course, that would mean allowing myself to repaint some of my dolls and/or action figures.

I'm eager to find out what happened to Daphne Bliss who was being threatened by a handyman in the last photostory. I'll wait for the next one though. Has anyone else followed that story?