jSarie of Revenge of the Toy Box bestowed a Versatile Blogger award on PhillyCollector. Thanks, jSarie! I appreciate the honour. Now to complete my part beyond accepting the Award, here are my 15 nominees:
Yes, some who have already won prizes. Please note: if you have won this Award or some other Award recently, I am not a Blog Award Enforcer. Follow through as you will (or not). I appreciate your blogs, and I want you to know that. Thanks.
If I visit your blog often, but you are not listed here, I still value your blog. Most of these blogs I have followed for years. These bloggers feature playscale figures or playscale news. Some bloggers, I wanted to know - hey, I enjoy your work. I wanted to strike a balance to include review blogs, storytelling blogs, and craft-themed blogs. There are so many good blogs out, it was hard to choose only 15! There will be future blog awards.
Wishing those who celebrate Palm Sunday, a lovely, peace-filled day. Again, jSarie of Revenge of the Toy Box - thanks for choosing my blog. My best wishes to all. Blog on!