Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Update to Rosi Reports: A Near Playscale Greenhouse for $19.99

How many of you are tired of snow and ice and drab wintry days? Well, Rosi from Joisey has found a treat for us: an almost playscale greenhouse. IKEA USA sells a mini greenhouse called Socker. It is made of steel and polyester powder coating. Check the size of this potential diorama:

Product dimensions

Width: 17 ¾ "
Depth: 8 ¾ "
Height: 13 ¾ "

Width: 45 cm
Depth: 22 cm
Height: 35 cm

Update: Vanessa reports seeing this item in an IKEA store. The 13" roof is at the peak, not throughout the entire structure. I think that it could still be used in a diorama setting - possibly at the rear and slightly elevated - but I am going to update this post to reflect that it isn't a true playscale-size.

Okay maybe the Fashion Royalty crew might find themselves close to the roof. But imagine this setting for most of our dolls and action figures. Impressive, yes? I wonder what plants we could use that would match scale and be useful? Perhaps Ms. Leo has some suggestions for us. Or Rosi maybe? What would you plant in this greenhouse? Exciting thought.

So join me in giving Rosi a hand. Thanks for this whiff of spring. Yay for the promise of green. Yay for our playscale-scouting pal, Rosi.