Toy Island produced a trio of Baywatch dolls around 1997. The dolls were to represent the three main characters of that once popular show Baywatch: C.J. Parker, Lt. Mitch Buchannon, and Lt. Stephanie Holden. I may have watched the show ONCE – beach bimbos and himbos never interested me – but I bought C.J. Parker doll. She was about $5.00. New doll face and reduced price = good find and buy to me. The doll does not look like Pamela Anderson. But I rather liked the doll’s look. She looked athletic and maybe a little mean. Ta da – a gym teacher born.
Since then, the doll has been the gym teacher most of the teenagers dread. I was not completely happy with her though. While her original body had a healthy, wholesome look, it had limited movement. Gym teacher dolls ought to be able to pose. Right? So, I decided to upgrade her to a poser Barbie body. Perfect Pink Teresa’s body, precisely. So here are some photos of the transformation:
Perfect Pink Teresa (Mattel) and C.J. Parker (Toy Island) side by side. Drum roll ....
Pam's head removed. Oh, my what a large knob!
Alas, her foot is larger. She will no longer wear those lovely sneakers she had. Flavas' sneakers these are. Sigh, but such sacrifices must be made for the sake of better articulation. She isn't the Cinderella type anyway.
Hello, Pam! She can work her body now. So her neck is not graceful due to that large head hole descending over a Barbie-body neck. Shrug. But she can make those couch potato and wallflower students a miserable run. Bwwwaaahhhh hhhaaaa!