jSarie of Revenge of the Toy Box bestowed a Versatile Blogger award on PhillyCollector. Thanks, jSarie! I appreciate the honour. Now to complete my part beyond accepting the Award, here are my 15 nominees:
Yes, some who have already won prizes. Please note: if you have won this Award or some other Award recently, I am not a Blog Award Enforcer. Follow through as you will (or not). I appreciate your blogs, and I want you to know that. Thanks.
If I visit your blog often, but you are not listed here, I still value your blog. Most of these blogs I have followed for years. These bloggers feature playscale figures or playscale news. Some bloggers, I wanted to know - hey, I enjoy your work. I wanted to strike a balance to include review blogs, storytelling blogs, and craft-themed blogs. There are so many good blogs out, it was hard to choose only 15! There will be future blog awards.
Wishing those who celebrate Palm Sunday, a lovely, peace-filled day. Again, jSarie of Revenge of the Toy Box - thanks for choosing my blog. My best wishes to all. Blog on!
Congrats Dana! I nominated you also. Well deserved my friend! :-)
Thanks so much for nominating my blog also! :-)
You're welcome, Cindi. And thanks for nominating me. I need to contact my other winners. Just hope that they don't come after me - them, armed with baseball bats ;-P
Congratulations on your award, D7ana! I appreciate you nominating my blog, also!
Hello from Spain: congratulations on the award. Thank you very much for remembering my blog. I am happy to receive your prize. Keep in touch
Hello, Roxanne and Marta! Thanks for the congratulations. I enjoy reading and viewing your blogs - thanks for your contribution to the playscale blogosphere.
Congrats! You deserve it. You have been there for us, never missing a beat, providing us with great information over the years. We thank you. As for the nomination, I was nominated a couple times and I've been very bad at responding to a couple of nominations. Therefore, to keep from stepping on any toes, I will say thanks for the nomination, and that is as far as I will take it for now.
Hi Vanessa! Thanks for getting back to me. I've been glad to be here, posting PhillyCollector articles and getting feedback. Thanks for your contributions and inspiration that helped keep me going.
The Award means that I think highly of your work. I went back and forth over whether to omit people with previous nominations until I decided to keep them. To include those people because you are the lion's share of my doll blog reading. You don't have to follow the nominating others, etc. I enjoy your blog for your storytelling, your shop shares, and your projects. You are welcome to the Award. I look forward to reading your posts. Sincerely, Dana
Thank you so much D7ana for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award. I am honored to have my blog listed among your 15 favorites!
I apologize for taking so long to acknowledge the nomination here, but earlier today I did post a link to this post on the Facebook page of my blog where I extended my thanks to you there as well.
Thank you, again! I appreciate you!
You're welcome, Debbie! Glad to include your blog in my list - thanks for all the effort and passion you place into the shaping and the creating of your blog. Thanks for sharing the link to this post on your Facebook page.
Looking forward to your posts. Sincerely, Dana.
Thanks for nominating me, D7ana and for providing links because I found some new blogs I haven't heard of before!
Hi, Muff! My pleasure to nominate you. I love your vivid photos and your wry comments and your fun bargain finds.
Yeah? Wow, that pleases me to share links that you had not heard of. I assume that we playscale folks all know the same sites. Glad you found new blogs. Yay, yay.
Thank you so much for this honor. I know there are a lot of bloggers out there who do what we do, and it's nice to have been remembered among so many, and so much talent. It makes me happy that my words and pictures resonate with you. I'm so glad to see your comments after I post, even though my posts are so infrequent.
Congrats are in order for you as well! You have crafted a blog that has room enough for all doll and action figure topics. It's always so fresh and entertaining, I always make time to read what you have to say. Keep going :)
Hi Mark, the pleasure's been mine. You are welcome. I appreciate your blog when you post. The content and the quality *work* for me ;-)
Oh, gosh. Thanks for your kind words. I also appreciate that you read my stuff, and I LOVE your comments. Aside from tweaking my blog look and improving my blog photos, the two other things I'd like to do are to post more regularly and to keep my readers interested.
Knuckle bump, Dana
Thanks you so much D7ana!
Hi Vita Plastica aka Dani! You are welcome! Love your stories and your scenes.
Wow, thankyou! It's an honor to be in such a great company of doll blogs! And I'll start keeping up with my blog, I double dare promise!
Aw, you're welcome, Pattisdolls!
So you'll post more often? Cool. But I truly am not the Blog Police so accept the Award as my thanks for the times when you have posted.
I look forward to finding out the blogs you find inspiring. (And you do not have to include my blog - that sounds so totally fatuous - like everyone is lined up just to award my blog, lol.)
Looking forward to your sharing info about yourself as a doll collector or otherwise ;-)
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