Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010 and New DAF Resolutions

The time has come for me to review my collection as I have never reviewed it before. Reading other collectors' stories and viewing their photographs helped me realize that I could be having more fun with my 1:6 scale companions.

Elizabeth Allen of Love has Fangs fame sent me a link to this article by Maria Greene discussing how to reduce a large doll collection.

Reading the article, I realized that

1. I have too many dolls to fit in my available display space.

2. Some of them are still in their boxes.

3. I've forgotten about some dolls I have.

4. I'm not giving them enough attention.

Sooo ... something has to change. I have to evaluate, to make and to execute certain resolutions. Here's a starter list:

1. Reduce, reduce, reduce.

2. Diversify.

3. Learn camera settings and improve on photography techniques.

4. Photograph DAFs in settings.

5. Write DAF stories.

6. Participate in online DAF groups - again.

I've begun the Reduce step by selling some DAFs online here.

The article also has tips on avoiding DAF overpopulation and suggestions on how to reduce a large collection. While the article was written with larger dolls in mind, it has advice that I or any playscale collector can use.

Happy reading and best wishes for any collection "weeding" that occurs.


Niel said...

Oh, I'm excited for you! Especially the photography part. You know how I like pictures. Hehehe.

If I have to share a tip on taking pics (not that I'm a professional but I realized how this tip improved my photos), I would say take time to light the dolls.

Camera flashes are unforgiving so I usually avoid them. Take advantage of the sun light. If its not available you may want to make a light box. I don't exactly have a light box but I set up the backdrop and lighting in the about same way.

D7ana said...

Thanks, Niel. Glad you share my enthusiasm for these projects ;-)

I have heard of light boxes and seen online tutorials on making them. Now I just have to use them, to do it. Groan. LOL

D7ana said...

Thanks for the light box link, Niel! I missed that at first :-D

Unknown said...

Wow! This sounds exciting and a little scary. I'm afraid to click on your link, but I did anyway. :)

I can't wait to see your photography technique improvement, too. I'm no great photographer, but my husband is. And the best tip he gave me (aside from Niel's lighting tip) is USE A TRIPOD. Even when you think you don't need it, it makes a huge difference. :) It will also help you if you're using natural light, too.

D7ana said...

Thanks for the tripod suggestion, Alison. A tripod is on my "To Get" list.

I've got to find my Kodak booklet. When I first got the camera, I just skimmed the booklet to learn what to push to get a photo, LOL.

I'm going to have more fun with photography this year.