This is page 34 of the Fashion Doll Showcase for 2003 My Favorite Doll catalog. There were two pages of Integrity dolls in this issue. The Candi dolls were on page 34; the Fashion Royalty dolls were on page 35.
The first three Candi dolls belonged to the wave Fashion Forward Collection 2003:
1. Sublime Elegance (Executive Decision)
2. More is More
3. Ultra Chic
The fourth Candi belonged to the wave Fashion Forward Collection 2002 Subtle Elegance. Please note that this page of the catalog also shows a My Favorite Doll dealer exclusive Embassy Ball Malika doll and the three Icon dolls - a Collector series of the Tariq and Janay playline dolls. (Note: Jade from the playline series becomes "Sooki" for this collector set.)
(Note 2: one series mentioned on this catalog page, the Polar Lights Collection, was never created for the market.)
Thanks to Marg of MyFavoriteDoll for allowing this page to be copied and posted here.