Monday, December 9, 2013

A Midnight Magic Pets Collection Doll I Almost Bought

Midnight Magic Pets Collection Alexis and Pet Owl Snowy

Last year's Midnight Magic dolls were clearly based on Mattel's Monster High series.  They were a little cute. I didn't buy them, but I looked at them and smiled. (Yes and that pleased everyone, lol.) This year's Midnight Magic Pets Collection borrows the vivid, sparkly-translucent bodies of the Novi Star dolls and the odd-scaled pets of that series. And I winced, shuddered, and turned my head when I saw the first 2013 Midnight Magic doll, Alexis. Why?

Translucent head

Translucent, sparkly body

Odd-sized pet

Ten dollar price

Then I saw the Makayla doll from this series.

Midnight Magic Pets Collection Makayla and Pet ? Persia

Oh, now this one is much cuter. I LOVE her curly white hair with orange highlights. The translucent brown face does not seem as ghastly as the pink, green, and blue heads. But the glittery, bone-thin body takes away the pluses for me. So I did not buy her.

If you would like to see more photos of this and other Midnight Magic collections, see

MM website

Facebook page

Tumblr site by Kate's Creations

Photos of these dolls

Happy viewing!