This link came from DBG of Black Doll Collecting: FAO Schwarz is taking pre-orders for One Direction dolls. Whhoooo, hooo! Applause and feet stomping. Remember I thought that Hasbro was going to create their own dolls. Blip! No, it seems that they intend to distribute the UK Vivid Imaginations One Direction dolls.
Hey, that would work for me. I want the Zayn and the Harry dolls. Love the ethnic variation of the former and the interesting curly plastic hair of the latter. More playscale guys - yippee!
Thanks again, DBG!
Update: additional links for the 1Direction dolls - Toys R Us and Walmart also set up preorders. Curious about seeing the guys nude? I did mean the doll guys. Not the 1:1 live guys ;-D
No, it hasn't become that sort of blog, lol.