Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Target New Liv Dolls

Sunday, I went to Target and saw ...

It’s My Nature Dolls and Playsets

Dolls: Alexis, Daniela, Hayden seen. (All five dolls shown on the cover of the Maple Lodge box.)

Playsets: Maple Lodge

School’s Out Dolls and Playsets

Dolls: Alexis, Hayden, Katie, and Sophie. (Note: Daniela doll not seen today.)

Playsets: Pet Adoption Center for Hayden

Target Exclusive Moonlight Dance

The Liv dolls appear in formal gowns. Alexis wears a red satiny gown; Daniela wears a green satiny gown; and Katie wears a blue gown. (I did not see Sophie or Hayden dolls for this exclusive. They might have been bought before I reached the area.)

Photos added Thursday, August 19, 2010.