Monday, August 23, 2010

Not Separated at Birth or Vitamin C Not from Mbili Facemold

Okay, everyone can agree: Dana needs her eyes examined.

In an earlier post, I included Vitamin C as one of the dolls created with the Mbili face mold. Please see the close-up photo below:

Hmmm ... I sit corrected. Vitamin C's face is a little longer and a little wider. I should have double-checked at Katti's Dolls website that shows the second Grand Entrance Barbie (2002) made with the Angel face and the Princess of South Africa Barbie made with the Mbili face mold.

Here Princess of South Africa and Vitamin C stand with Kayla. Kayla has a similar face mold to Vitamin C's Angel face mold. It would take me some time to differentiate them, but the face molds are listed separately. They are lovely dolls, aren't they?

New Toys R Us Express Store

A new Toys R Us Express store opened at 73 N. 69th Street this past Monday, August 16, 2010. This store will be the first dedicated toy store to this area since the K B Toys closed in 2008. Perhaps Toys R Us Express stores will open where KB Toys had existed. Wheee! More dedicated toy space.

(Important because someday I'm going to be on the buying end.)