Sunday, August 9, 2015

Peeping the New Barbie Eye Doctor

I'm not supposed to be looking at the new dolls yet. Between culling dolls to sell and boxing keepers, I decided to NOT buy new stuff yet. Well, I was in Walmart - and as you'd guess by that beginning, something bad followed. Not a case of furniture fell on my head bad - in which case I'd probably not be blogging about that - but temptation bad. I saw a doll that I should not have seen. Cause now she's on my Wish List. Sigh. And I'd been sooo good.

Here is the newest Barbie doctor, Barbie as an ophthalmologist.

Barbie Eye Doctor Black version
Barbie Eye Doctor Black version

Barbie Eye Doctor Black version, box back
Barbie Eye Doctor Black version

Barbie Eye Doctor Black version, little patient
Little patient of Barbie Eye Doctor

Barbie Eye Doctor, Black version, close up
Gorgeous face paint of Barbie Eye Doctor, Black version

If you cannot find her in your local stores, she's up for "pre-sale" online. (Shipping by date on the website is August 13, 2015.) Cost? $19.99 - before shipping costs.

Oh and check this YouTube review. It's a mixed but mostly favorable review ... cheapo fashion and stiff NOT articulated body countered by a cute doll and cool playset.

So are you "eyeing" this new Barbie doctor?