Do you see what I see?

Wow. First time I have seen all three African American Barbie Basic dolls at the same time. And lucked out being able to photograph them. Whooo hooo!
Babysitter Barbie and Kelly ... in a Kelly-sized bathroom?

Okay, I only babysat my younger siblings, but is this the true scene for modern babysitters? A bathroom? I'd have thought a living room/parlour/family room with an overstuffed couch before a color television. Or babysitter curled up in a chair with a book. The kid could be sleeping on the babysitter's lap or better still, child asleep in her [own] bed. Or babysitter standing in front of an open and lit refrigerator, filled with edible goodies. Note: guess that means I wrote myself out of any babysitting jobs. Shrug. Eh well, I don't have the energy to fight off the requisite murderous villain stalking the babysitter. Sigh.
Playmates Star Trek McCoy and Sulu from the 2009 movie:

I got a better photograph of the John Cho Sulu. Remember, he's a Toys R Us exclusive.

New from MGA Entertainment: More 2 Me Avery and Lexa.

No Sophinas in store when I was there, but she is shown on the back of the box. No Sashas in this wave per the box back. I feel a little sad when I look at this line. MGA Entertainment used to have a Sasha with every Bratz wave. It almost seems as though Sasha has to pay for Mattel seizing the Bratz line. Eh, but that's not really it. It's the numbers. African Americans are no longer the largest minority in the United States.
I also saw a Fashionista Ken - yay! Love his Michael Jackson hat. Poseable Ken! Tears welled in my eyes. Oh Mattel, allowing Ken 100 poses, too! If I had a hat on, I would remove it. Breakdancing Ken. Will the oxymorons never cease? Will I ever get work again? Isn't it time I ended this post?
Oh WOW! Thanks for sharing those pictures.
Although I like Model 04, I'm not too keen on her eye make up. I don't want to have to repaint her.
About the Fashionista Ken, I heard some people were disappointed with the neck articulation. I have the Speed Racer Ken. I wonder if they have the same body/articulation.
Great pictures D7ana! I'm always so nervous when I attempt to take in-store photos, plus mine never turn out as well. Thanks for sharing.
You're welcome, Niel and Debbie!
I think I know what you mean about the eye make up for Model 04; Integrity did something similar with their Bionica Jordan - they applied white eyeliner. I have another dark complexioned doll, Michelle with the same eye treatment. It looks as if the doll had skin removed.
I haven't seen Fashionista Ken outside the box so I don't know about his articulation in action. Thanks for the warning though ... I am getting him as a Christmas present so I should be able to comment after the 25th about it ;-D
Debbie, I *know* what you mean about taking photos in stores. Some stores are against people doing it. I barely got away with what I did only the store clerk who undoubtedly was going to tell me to stop, etc., got waylaid by another customer. Whew! Giddy glad me made my escape. It probably wouldn't have been half as fun if they "allowed" me to take the photo.
Oh, now I wouldn't disrespect religious ceremonies, but come on, a store display?!
I'm not too crazy about 004's eye makeup either... it's a shimmery gold or silver that clashes with her deep complexion. I haven't examined my dolls yet... they are still in the Mattel shipper, but the eye makeup was the first thing that I noticed on 004 at Toys R Us last night. That particular doll's haircut was a bit choppy, too.
After viewing Mattel's Basics promo, I might buy one of the accessory packs.
Ah so that's what they've done to her eyes. Now that I would have to change :-(
I like the gold accessories pak. The gold handbag.
Love the Barbie basics!
I also want to second Black Doll Enthusiast's appreciation of your store shots.
AilanthusAltissima, I love the Barbie Basics line, too ;-D I just wish Mattel had used poser bodies.
You are welcome regarding the store photos. I enjoyed taking them, LOL. (Evil laugh.)
Wow, I love those Barbie Basics. The dresses are great. I like the way they all have different skin tones. Beautiful photo!
I love the Barbie Basics line, too. Beautiful dolls and varied hair styles and colors and complexions.
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