Well, I did not follow the television series although I recall there being a Blossom television series. Something about a teenager and her dumb brother - probably why I didn't watch it then: extravagantly stupid characters have always annoyed me. But when I saw the doll, I thought, "Oh, new face." So she joined the rank of dolls whose face I liked. She's got character. And I love the dated outfit ;-D

Here is a close up of her face - and yes, she has great teeth. Great size, but hey, remember the adjective, character ....

So she's headed for the debox lot. A surprise keeper because she is not Barbie-pretty or flexible. She has a nice nose, squinty eyes, and a dazzling smile. Ten inches of charm. I would eventually like to add her brother Joey and her friend Six to my collection - they were also produced by Tyco. (I can and do overwrite provided story lines.) These dolls are still available and can be reasonably priced - say under $20.00 each or possibly for even less given today's economy.
And NOOO I have NOT been mesmerized by the teeth.
Whoa! This is so spooky. I was just looking at my Joey doll and thinking I should post him. He is not in the box but is stil a great doll.
Times have changed! There once was a time when there were alot of good TV show about young kids and teenagers. Moisha, Blossom, Facts of Live, The Cosby Show.... so on and so on. Now to see good programing for and about kids you have to have the Disney Channel. I think it is sad!
But about the doll, I love her and wonder if you have teenaged friends for her! She would be a great addition to the Generation Girl International High School!
I have all the dolls from the Blossom line including her boyfriend Vinnie. They're great and also keeps for me :O)
Oh, shut up! You have Blossom? Okay, I don't know what sort of bizarre closet/time machine you're storing all these dolls in, but I want one, lol! I'm not sure I've ever seen one of these dolls up close. It's actually a pretty good likeness. I definitely would have kept her too, you'll never find a barbie head mold that looks like that!
Hi Ms. Leo, Dvscolectr, and SmidgeGirl!
Hi fives all round! Ms. Leo, Blossom has LOTS of teen friends: the HSM crew, Generation Girls, Mystery Squad, Babysitter Club Claudia, etc. I do wish that I had Six, Joey, and OMG, Vinnie!
A teen male oh, oh, oh, Dvscolectr! Please share a photo with your dear online pals who sniff, sniff, have never seen a fourth doll in this series. Do you have him online anywhere? Pardon my slow typing fingers ... can't get the query out soon enough. LOL
SmidgeGirl, you have broached one of my alltime great fantasies - a time machine that would allow me to bring dolls from the past to the future. I am all-sighing and near-crying at the thought of not having those other three dolls.
And someone mentioned the John Travolta in Hairspray doll - brought up a vague memory of a late 1970s John Travolta doll - either 8" and poseable or 13" and stiff (um limited pose-ability) by Mego. I'm almost sure. I can almost see him.
Guess it's just as well that I don't have them - yet - and that I cannot go back in time and bring them here. Reluctant sigh there.
But SG, the Blossom dolls by Tyco are available on eBay and low-priced. Ssshhhhh though. We don't want to give away how neat and cute these dolls are.
Ms. Leo, I think it was meant to BE, that you post your Joey doll. I don't recall seeing him in the vinyl.
Ooops. Gotta go soon, but I'll be checking tomorrow. Hoping to see Joey and Vinnie are on line.
Now where are my ruby red slippers for wishing? Darn, forgot to get some!
Hey, I was just thinking if you had an extra Blossom, you could re-root her blonde and give her a mole on her chin and a model muse body. Then she would be Sarah Jessica Parker Barbie!
Thanks for the Sarah Jessica Parker idea, Ms. Leo! I remember SJP from the early '80s when she was in the tv sitcom Square Pegs. I haven't followed her as an adult, but it's remarkable how far she has come from her "geeky" youth.
I remember that show! OMG - I haven't thought of it for years. I used to watch it, though I don't remember very much about it. I didn't know they made a doll. Did you get this doll a while ago or did you just get her?
Hi Kim! I got the Blossom doll years ago, after the show ended. She was on sale so I bought her :-} This is one case where I am glad I added her to my collection although at the time, I was not actively seeking her.
I have Blossom, Six, Joey, and Vinnie all still in their boxes
Hi Pround Mama! Congratulations on having all four dolls and still in their boxes! Wow. I'd like to get Six and Joey and Vinnie, too. Someday ....
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