Has anyone seen the new Mattel Disney Fairytale Wedding Cinderella and Prince Charming? Hubba hubba ... they look good. Both their heads are SMALLER than the usual playscale Disney heads. Their eyes are in good proportion to their faces. I am picky about which Disney figures I buy because usually their heads are soooo big. Thumbs up on the head/face size for this pair though. Normal-sized heads make them look more attractive. Plus this Prince Charming has lost the smarm factor of previous "Charmings." See the photos below:

What about that gown, hmm? Looking good, folks.

Close up of their faces.

Back of their box.
This handsome couple was seen in a local Walmart store. Price: $26.97. Sigh. You knew there had to be a fly in that ointment.
Wow, that dress is quite nice, but that price... not so much.
I think they did a good job on them and given it's a wedding couple, the smiling features are apropos but I'd rather they weren't smiling, lol.
And even though it's apparently a Disney tradition, I think Mattel should have given him real hair.
I like the prince's costume a lot. I also like the new Cinderella carriage.
I like the new single version with a closed mouth. I hope Mattel will consider reworking more of their Disney dolls, because these are so much nicer than their current standard ones.
Hi Muff and Paulette!
@Muff - you'd probably prefer the 2012 Holiday Cinderella. That doll looks like the same character only with a closed mouth smile ;-)
@Paulette - THANKS for letting me know about the new Cinderella carriage. Photos and videos here. I like the whimsy of it.
I love the dress! I am really thinking about buying the set for the dress and sell everything else.
Hi MSJ and Vickey!
@MSJ - the closed mouth Cinderella is the 2012 Holiday one. Oh, yes, she's pretty and dignified looking ;-} . Muff has a lovely Classic Doll Collection Snow White who is definitely on my Want List.
@Vicky - I love the dress as well as the dolls so I might have to bite the bullet and pay for the set. Or maybe I can find them on sale. Wait, this is a Cinderella set - fat chance hey? I think she's the most popular of the princesses. (Not sure though).
@Muff - oh, forgot to add that I would LOVE the guys to have rooted hair. Sigh. Is sad that Disney doesn't seem to do that except with the overseas Camp Rock.
They have sweet faces, not as cartoony as the other Disney dolls I've seen.
Aww, they're both such cuties!
Hi Carrickters and Heather! I like that they aren't as cartoony as previous Disney dolls have been. I had not liked either Cinderella or the Prince before. This set, I like them both.
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