Billa nominated me for the Liebster Award. (Lisa did, too. I'll be back, ha ha!)
Rules and procedures. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog. Thanks, Billa! Give your readers eleven random facts about yourself.
1. I studied karate for two years.
2. I've tutored English to adult speakers of other languages - a little over two years.
3. Green peppers make me queasy.
4. I find stationary stores almost as much fun as toy stores and bookstores. All that clean paper and those sharp new pens ...
5. I seldom wear jewelry, but sometimes I don this bracelet Brini sent with the doll sweaters. Its smooth silver twist and sea-blue sparkles please me. Pretty bling! Thanks again, Brini!
6. America's Next Top Model is a guilty pleasure. I have never wanted to be a model. I don't particularly care for the fashions shown. I don't know why I watch it. I dislike most reality shows.
7. I prefer to buy my own chocolate.
8. I like sandals in summer and boots or sneakers for fall and winter. Heels? Never!
9. Strawberries, plums, and pink grapefruit are my 3 favorite fruits.
10. I still like to "curl up" with a paper book.
11. I LOVE the Internet, the World Wide Web, and using computers.
Answer the 11 questions from the person who nominated you.
1. Have you got a secret dream or a wild project?
I'd like to experience a Doctor Who/Andre Norton adventure where I save people.
2. When has a project exceeded your wildest expectations? How?
This blog. I have readers and it gets comment - wow.
3. Chocolate: white, dark, milk, or none at all?
Lots of dark chocolate. Little bit of milk for variety. Smidgen of white. I like to be fair ;-)
4. If you could have dinner with three fictional characters, who would they be?
David Tennant's Doctor Who
Barbara Hambly's Rose Vitrac January
Michael Paul Chan's Detective Lieutenant Michael Tao
5. What's your all-time favorite movie?
It used to be The Wizard of Oz. I'm not sure now that I still have one. Possibly Serenity ...
6. If you could choose a career other than your actual one(s), what would it be?
Doll designer
7. What time period would you most like to live in, other than the modern one?
I like the time I'm in now. But I'd try out the future. How about a year from now?
8. What is the most versatile tool in your arsenal?
My brain ;-)
9. Winter person or summer person?
Winter person
10. What do you most wish you could organize properly?
My doll collection ;-)
11. What do you do to find inspiration?
Searching online.
Nominate 11 bloggers to receive this award.
1. Super cool doll house
2. Red Carpet Dolls
3. Black Doll Collecting
4. Confessions of a Dolly Lover
5. Una Barbie en Casa
6. Strefa Meskich Lalek
7. Pink Obsession
8. Limbe Dolls
9. Male Doll World
10. Mrs. Anderson's All-Purpose Blog
11. The Multicrafteral Lab
Invent 11 questions for your nominees.
1. How did you become a blogger?
2. What was your favorite subject in school and why?
3. You can be any doll you want, brought to life. Which doll are you and why?
4. What is the coolest story ever connected to your blog?
6. What do you do when you are not blogging?
7. What are your Grail dolls/action figures?
8. What three countries or cities would you like to visit?
9. Is there a project you dream of accomplishing?
10. What are your favorite foods?
11. Any tips you would give future bloggers?
Yay!! Another martial artist! I did Tae Kwon Do for two years. Didn't get very far, but it was a neat experience, all the same.
I think I'd want to be a doll designer too. Maybe a dolly hair designer like Denisa Medrano.
Another person who's read the Benjamin January series! I particularly loved Rose Vitrac. Hambly's characters are so real and round and definite.
Hi Sarah Sequins and Smaller Places!
@Sarah Sequins - I wouldn't quite call myself a "martial artist," since I quit. I've tried now and then but I didn't progress. It hurt. Glad I took the classes though. I remember some moves from my first kata.
Doll hair is important; I never knew there were doll hair specialists.
@Smaller Places - Yes, I've read several of Barbara Hambly's Benjamin January mysteries. I liked that Rose is a scholar. I see titles I haven't read yet.
that is so interesting! I too adore strawberries and grapefruit, especially the pink. I also love paperbacks and the internet, my data plan goes over the allowed amount frequently.
Hi D7ana, sandals and flat boots, I'm with you. And it looks like you're not alone in your love for stationary stores too.
Too bad I only character I know from your immaginary dinner is Doctor Who, I'll have to check the others
Great answers! I love stationary stores too, I can't resist buying/looking at diaries, paper, notebooks. Curling up with a "real" book is something I like very much too :-). Being a doll designer sounds awesome, what a dream job that would be!
Hi Lisa Neault and Billa's Dolls and Fashions
@Lisa Neault - I LOVE pink grapefruit. It doesn't need any sugar ;-)
Yes, give me pages to turn. But I do enjoy being online, too.
@Billa's Dolls and Fashions - Comfortable feet all year round!
Rose Vitrac is many of Barbara Hambly's Benjamin January mysteries. Lt. Tao is a detective in the American series The Closer and Major Crimes. While they come from different times, they are intellectually curious characters. We'd have lots to discuss. And who could be bored with The Doctor on hand ;-)
Hi Linda - Darkroom Dolls! Fun to see how much we have in common. In addition to dolls. Being a doll designer is the ultimate dream job for many collectors ;-)
Great answers, D7ana!!! With so much in common, it's no wonder we've all become such friends. I know what you mean about going into a paper store. I had a favorite paper shop in Paris. (Sadly, the owner retired and the store just closed.) Never bought anything, but I loved to go in and look at the paper then try to imagine what I'd do with it. Now when I think back, some of what I saw would have been perfect for dolly paper dresses! I love strawberries (especially the ones sold in France) and I love pink grapefruit too!!!
Hi April_n_Paris! Glad you enjoyed my answers. I enjoyed reading yours and loved how you played with the Award graphic. I think I tried a paper dress once. Fortunately, it was not on a rainy day ;-) But paper dresses on dolls ... oh so pretty. I'm thinking of those bright colored tissue we used to make into "flowers."
French strawberries sounds scrumptious. Someday ...
So much fun. I enjoyed learning more about you. I'll call you the karate kid from now on.
Hi Vanessa! Or "KK" for short, lol. I didn't go far with the martial arts. Sigh. I enjoyed the katas most.
Hi D7ana,
My acceptance post has finally been published, which can be read here.
Thanks again for the nomination.
Thanks, DBG! For the link and the post. I enjoyed reading your responses and appreciate the photos you shared ;-)
Hola, gracias por nominarme al premio de tu blog. Me agradó leer tus respuestas. Saludos.
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