Note, I said a Pedigree Sindy. The blond Marx Sindy and her Black Friend, Gayle, were not going to work. I doubt I ever saw Gayle to buy her. I might have, but I think I didn't. The Marx dolls reminded me of the early Tammys with their large, rounded heads. But when I saw the Funtime Sindy, well, she was brunette at a time when blond Barbies and blond Barbie-clones dominated the fashion doll world. Maybe the darker hair made this Sindy's head seem smaller. And this Sindy by Pedigree was a British doll; the Marx Sindy was American. Score two for diversification.
Now the Marx Sindy furniture was another matter altogether. I preferred the Marx Sindy furniture than the cold modular furniture available for Barbie. The Marx Sindy furniture had realistic colors like mustard yellow kitchen appliances and off white dining room and bedroom and wine armchairs. So the Sindy furniture went to my Barbies. (Made sense at the time; the best dolls with the best furniture.)
Moreover, Marx was so cool that they issued special giftsets for Sindy. Here's a link to a Sindy website, showing the furniture and giftsets. The giftsets were special order only. If you bought Sindy doll items, you could get doll accessory awards. Example for each Marx Sindy furniture piece, there would be some Sindy tokens on the outer box. The number of tokens was based on the price of the item bought; larger items provided more tokens. A correct amount of tokens, the order form on the booklet packed with the items, and fifty cents for shipping costs, would win you one of four giftsets. I clipped and hoarded those Sindy tokens until I had enough to get the three sets that I wanted:
Let's Style My Hair - 1286 included a "heated" hair curler unit, comb, brush, mirror
Let's Go To The Beach - 1291 included a bath towel, beach umbrella, plastic cooler
Let's Bar-B-Que - 1285 included a barbeque grill, meat, utensils, aprons
Here's a photo of my Pedigree Sindy using the beach set minus the original swimsuit - Sindy borrowed the swimsuit from 1726 Twiggy Turnouts. I am including a link to some of my other figures using the Sindy Bar-B-Que grill here.

Additional Sindy sites are and previous post.
never too old to collect and play with dolls. hohoho.
love twiggy dolls.superb,
I like her play sets. And cute set up you got there :)
Hi Asrul and Niel! Well, I'm still collecting and playing wtih them, LOL. I have a Mattel Twiggy, but I am selling her. I've enjoyed having her, but it's time for someone else to have her.
Niel, glad you like the Marx Sindy playsets. I only thought after I set up the scene that the black card tabletop was maybe not the best [photo] floor? Instead of laying on the beach, it must look like she's sunning on an asphalt street ;-P
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