Here are the photos.

Night Creatures in a Graveyard
(This is the unaltered view behind the entry photo "The Cat's View.") A foggy dark night in a graveyard. A two-headed, gray-faced crone, a headless man in a business suit, a gnarling dog, and a girl - vampire? - wander among the tombstones and a few skeletal trees. Brrrr ...did I lock that window?

Dracula and a Bride
Integrity Toy's brunette Dracula fashion doll and his blonde bride stand in a warm brown-toned room with a blazing fireplace behind them. Who's to say, vampires don't want a little warmth in their rooms?

Frenzied Female Vampire
Okay, I do not recognize the doll who became this female vampire, but with her chalky complexion and wild, teased gray-white-black hair, she dominates this photo. Those reddened eyes, bloody teeth, and blood splattered body are alarming. Scary. Tell her she looks great in her flashy, form-fitting black v-neck gown with a burgundy red stole. Because she does have a bloody heart in her left hand while brandishing a knife in her right hand as she straddles some white shirted victim.
Don't you feel better for having seen these three photos? Maybe not at night? Oh well ... I did mention that they are Halloween photos. Shrug. Wink.
Those are the original photos The Mad Deboxer submitted. Stunning, yes? Okay, I state the obvious. However, they did not have a glaring window sooo ... yes, I asked for a photo with a border to represent a window. (Squeezes eyes shut and raises arm to ward off rain of rotten fruit.) However, the photographer gave something better - a multi-paned window with a cat as seen in the previous post. What photo is not improved by the addition of a cat and a black cat at that? Ummm ... rhetorical question that was. Okay, okay, the original photo is great. Could I be a total meanie and deprive you of it? No.
Me, I could interpret these as the window is implied ... they are window on a life - or death - scene. But I thought, someone will cry "Foul, no window." And they will send me a photo of Tinkerbell hugging a Care Bear. (Shudder. No Care Bears please.) So I await your decision.
If 10 viewers vote "save," I will allow photos that show either a vampire OR a window in a Halloween setting. My preference would be for both, but I can accept a broader range. In your comment, leave a vote to "save" if you are okay with a broader interpretation of the contest guidelines.
Hmmm. I want to be a hard butt and say rules are rules but then we might miss out on some awesome photos, (like in this post!).
I don't want to be a creativity stiffler so I'm going to vote...
I think it's wonderful! I vote SAVE!!!! I'm all for thinking outside the box or window in this case! Great job!
(reposting comment...bad internet connection)
I vote to save but I suggest a scoring system wherein the relevance to the theme has a weight. :)
BTW, what are the criteria for judging? :)
save - please. a little relaxation on the 'rules' hopefully provides many (awesome) pictures more :)
I love the Mad Deboxer's dioramas. The Frenzied Female vampire is especially chilling. I vote that the window requirement be waived.
I vote to "save" and accept broader range!
Hi Muff, Veda, Niel, Paulette, and Ms. Leo! Okay, six votes for waiving the strict interpretation. Thanks for your votes.
Niel, at the end of the contest, I am asking the viewers to decide on the best of 4 photos and in order of ranking - 1st, 2nd, etc.
I would go with save as well...
Love the photos. I vote SAVE.
Hello from Spain: these photos are terrifying original and creative. I like the styling. I vote SAVE. Keep in touch
Thanks, Barbiecafe, Robin, and Marta! Okay that's 9 votes. Just need one more to have clearance for future photos ;-)
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