PhilyCollector: Hey, Xena. What's up?
Xena: Rumor has it, you want a Wonder Woman character so bad, you're getting a Barbie for the part.
PhilyCollector: Rumor is wrong. I like Mattel's newest Wonder Woman doll* shown at the San Diego Comic Con. Her face is longer than most Barbies; she's got personality. She won't stay Wonder Woman once she's here. She'll be an interesting new friend for you.
Xena: Hrmph! Too many Barbies here already .... I could be Wonder Woman. See.
![]() |
Xena: I have black hair, blue eyes, and an Amazonian build |
PhilyCollector: You're already a Warrior-Princess. Why go off-brand?
Xena: "Versatile" is my middle name: I can twirl around in my underwear just as easily as any Barbie.
PhilyCollector: The Wonder Woman role may be more difficult than you think: not including the unreleased Comic Con Barbie, there have only been four playscale Wonder Woman dolls and one playscale action figure.
1967 Ideal Super Queens series included a Wonder Woman doll. She has Tammy's Grown Up friend, Misty's head on the adult "poser" body. Doll Reference site shows the doll out of her box.
History of Playscale Wonder Woman dolls
1967 Ideal Super Queens series included a Wonder Woman doll. She has Tammy's Grown Up friend, Misty's head on the adult "poser" body. Doll Reference site shows the doll out of her box.
1978 Mego Wonder Woman doll based on the American television show. This doll seems to be on the same body as Mego's 12.5" celebrity body.
2000 Mattel launched their first Barbie doll as Wonder Woman for the Collector Edition. She has the Mackie face.
2008 Mattel Wonder Woman Barbie doll in the Barbie Loves Pop Culture line. This Barbie has the Lara face, articulated elbows, and click bend knees. She was designed by Bill Greening.
2009 DC Direct Wonder Woman 1:6 Scale Figure. Fuller articulation aside, what makes this one an action figure, rather than a doll? Molded plastic hair. Goliath Angelus reviewed this action figure on YouTube.
Related Wonder Woman Links
Wonder Woman Museum
Create a Wonder Woman Doll from a Barbie doll.
Upcoming Releases in Other Scales
* Mattel modeled this doll after actress Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman in the upcoming, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie. I am glad to see that the doll has full legs and feet - unlike the Athena Barbie from a few years ago that had boot feet.
Poor Xena. She's just looking for a little love. Of the ones you featured, the second Mattel one is my fave.
Hi D7ana, the Comic Con Wonder Woman is awesome, and from the previous releases I like the one with the Lara face sculpt.
I'm sure that Xena can be everything she sets her mind to!
Hi Vanessa!
"Poor Xena." Poor? Her? Most of my Barbies are terrified by her. LOL
I agree with you about the second Mattel Barbie - I don't like the Poser Tammy body and the DC action figure has molded hair - but I'm hoping that that 3rd WW Barbie meets expectations.
Hmmm ... maybe I should do something for Xena.
Oh and the Mego WW looks hard. The camel eyelashes.
Hi Billa! Yes, that Comic Con Wonder Woman looks gorgeous.
Xena would make the WW role over, I don't doubt, lol. Maybe I'll get her a WW costume ....
Move over Xena, WW is on her way! Maybe they can be allies, er, friends! Xena is a force to be reckoned with! The new Mattel version is looking pretty awesome. I don't have any other versions of her, but I just might have to get her when she comes out!
There was also the 2003 Barbie Playline Wonder Woman. (I assume you are not including the 8" Mego doll.)
Heh, Xena deserves to do regular commentary! ;)
I had no idea that there had been so few Wonder Woman dolls - with a classic character like that I'd have thought they'd be putting one out every couple of years!
Hi Phyllis, April Perlowski, and jSarie!
@Phyllis - Xena won't budge for a Barbie WW. She's promised not to start any trouble. We'll see ;-)
@April Perlowski - thanks for alerting me to the missing Barbie WW. I'll add her to the list ;-)
No, I am not including the 8" Mego figures. I like Mego's Walton's grandmother so she's an exception; I fit her in among my others. The 8" Mego figures I ignore because of their cookie cutter sameness and blandness ...
@jSarie - Xena agrees with you, lol. I'd be anxious about what she'd comment on, etc. But maybe she can pop up now and again ... I like to amuse my readers ;-)
I've missed a Mattel playline/deluxe doll from 2003 that I need to add. But yes, I would have thought there were more WW dolls in this size.
Xena could benefit from some joints I think. Be a little articulated. Then I think she might make a great Wonder woman
Wouldn't it be wonderful if they did a Xena or a Gabriel, gasp, articulated like Katniss, ??
Ok onto Wonder Woman. She will be coming here too. I liked the earlier verson, is that the one that had boot feet ? I know there was one that came with a cape. Will have to look at the barbie archives./showcase.
Hi The grandmommy and Lisa Neault
@The grandmommy - Xena does not approve of joints (because she is not jointed).
Xena: I got this, D. Yo, GM, joints is for posers aka people-pleasers. The bend 'em, break 'em crew. Snap, crackle, pop. I'll be throwing bodies, body slamming, and stomping those delicate posers. I'm the warrior-princess. Roars inevitable.
D7ana: Um, Xena, the G.I.R.L. Force gals have a WWE tape going ...
Xena: Those wrestlers are funny. I gotta run. You got my angle here?
D7ana: Yes, I do.
@Lisa Neault - that would have been nice. I like that new WW.
None of the Mattel WW dolls had boot feet. The Gold Label Barbie Athena Collector doll had boot feet. This link does a better job showing the Mattel - as well as other - WW dolls. I had difficulties with the official Mattel Barbie links.
Very comprehensive post! I enjoyed seeing the different WW releases.
As someone who has seen every single Xena episode, you should listen to Xena more because she has many skills.
Hi Muff!
Glad you enjoyed the post. I have to add the 2 Mattel from 2003.
Please don't tell Xena this, but I've seen neither Xena nor Hercules. Gasp! I liked the crazy-eyed look of the doll ;-P
Guess I got some online viewing to do, lol.
I have this doll. I say doll because without articulation she is a doll. I don't have her shoes though... mmm. She does have big feet and a bigger body so I can see why Barbies would be intimidated.
Hi Ms. Leo! I agree that Xena is a doll. She does scare the Barbies because she is not adverse to body slams ;-}
The new Barbie Wonder Woman looks great. I assume she is articulated - despite Xena's comments about articulation. I'm not surprised the Barbies are intimidated Xena is the only warrior I've ever seen who can beat someone off when she is all tied up and only has her hair as a weapon!
Hi Carrickters! Yes, the new Barbie WW looks articulated - whoo whoo - and that's part of her charm ;-)
Xena beat someone off and used her hair as a weapon? LOL, I MUST see this series. Awesome. I'll be in stitches ;-)
I see from the comments that somebody already told you about the playline Wonder Woman Barbie. I thought you'd be interested to know that there was actually one more Wonder Woman Barbie, though I don't know if you'll be able to find a picture of her online since she's unbelievably rare. According to the book 'Collector's Encyclopedia Of Barbie Doll Collector's Editions' (2008 Edition) by J. Michael Augustyniak, in 1977 a Wonder Woman Barbie was produced by Mattel's Korea licensee. Mattel was only able to market the doll in Korea because at the time Mego held the license to sell Wonder Woman dolls in the U.S. A little bit of trivia for your next doll club meeting.
Thanks, Treesa! I pulled the 2007 edition of Collector's Encyclopedia Of Barbie Doll Collector's Editions' by J. Michael Augustyniak. I see the rare WW Barbie for Korea on page 254. That was a good find ;-)
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