I have a Kayla and a Lea with "ashy face" problems. Both faces seem to have "dry" skin or "talcum powder leaks." The Cali Girl Lea has the powder scent so I can reason that she is leaking talcum powder. Only at her face. However, the other scented dolls from that series, Cali Girl Christie and Cali Girl Summer, do NOT have ashy faces. Christie has been deboxed, but Summer has never been taken from her box.

Fashion Fever Kayla from Wave C also has this ashy, powder leak face.

The Cali Girl dolls, Christie, Lea, and Summer and Fashion Fever Kayla all have "Made in China" on their 2004 dated boxes.
I know, I know ;-{
I think it is just the one batch of the Kayla/Lea colored vinyl because the other scented dolls don't have that problem.
oh no! is it possible that it could be dirt? maybe some part of box disintegrating?
Dirt ... no. See I a Cali Girl Summer in the same box as the Cali Girl Lea, but Summer shows no sign of that ashy look. The same would go for the box disintegrating; the box is part clear plastic and part cardboard.
And Fashion Fever Kayla is in the clear plastic tube ....
Fortunately, my other Kaylas and Leas don't seem to have this problem. Wonder if others with these specific dolls have similar problems. I should ask.
None of my dolls have this condition, but I am not sure any of mine are powder scented. How unfortunate!
Thanks for your reply, Debbie!
Neither of my other powder-scented dolls have the skin problem. And the Fashion Fever Kayla doesn't have the powder-scent. None of the other dolls on that shelf have that skin problem either. I don't know why these two have it.
That's weird... I've never seen "ashy faces" before! I have some of these two dolls and none of them have that. Some dolls get powder like this on their legs though, possibly having to do with plasticizer leaking out? (I mostly remember seeing it on dolls with darker-colored skin.) Maybe these dolls' faces were (or are) leaking?
Hi, Charles, and thanks for your feedback. The very suntanned Summer and the brown Chrisie, neither of them have the ashy face problem.
And as I wrote, the Fashion Fever Kayla isn't part of the powder-scented crew. So I don't know why she would have it, too.
Its the box i think getting on their faces. i have both dolls and deboxed a long time ago, they don't have this problem.
Hi Tiffany and thanks for your feedback.
Niel mentioned it might be the box disintegrating, too. The cardboard back looks intact, unfrayed. I have a Cali Girl Summer from the same scented, bigger foot collection who is also NRFB; she has clear skin.
The affected Kayla comes in the Fashion Fever tube - clear plastic tube with a narrow cardboard strip showing the dolls in this series. The cardboard strip in her tube also appears intact.
These are the only two dolls with ashy faces. My other Kaylas in the Fashion Fever line - most NRFB also - do not have the ashy face. My So Cal Lea also has clear skin. I do not know why these two have the ashy faces.
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