Integrity Fashion Fling Alysa, Integrity Studio It Janay, and Integrity Studio It Janay, left to right
I'm showing these three dolls because
1. the first doll - Alysa is my favorite with this face mold; I love her curly red hair and tawny complexion.
2. the middle doll - Janay - has the Alysa face mold in a darker brown complexion. She is the ONLY Janay with this face mold and complexion combination. I think the combination gives her an Ameriasian look.
3. the last doll - Janay - has a striking dark complexion with green eyes, coral-painted lips, and reddish hair.
Hi there. I was wondering if you have any duplicates of the first doll or if you would consider selling it ? You can mail me at mail@oskarfalk.se if you're interested. Best regards/Oskar
If you're willing to part with Alysa, name your price. I'm quite interested in acquiring her for my girlfriend's bday since she collects them. Alysa has a beautiful face mold with a perfect complexion, so please let me know if you're willing to sell such a beauty! please email me at: darth_diclonius@yahoo.com. Best wishes, and love the girls you have here.
Welcome and thanks for stopping by my blog, Darth_Diclonius!
I've contacted Oskar directly about this Alysa, but now I write to you about this Alysa: she is no longer part of my collection. I sold her to another collector.
If anyone wishing to sell her owns this doll, please let these visitors know. Thanks and good luck to all!
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