Friday, May 20, 2011

Resistable Blythes ... How Did They Get Here?

Everyone who reads PhillyCollector knows I do NOT collect Blythe dolls.

I  maintain, I do NOT collect Blythe dolls.

So how did these photos find their way into a new Webshots folder for that mini creature? How!

Could they have jumped from Niel's blog? No, that isn't possible. I refuse to believe it.

Or could they have been entered by a certain British doll who finds them adorable because they resemble her? Thinking ... thinking ....


Niel said...

I started from looking and then touching and then buying and then customizing and then...

Let's see where this leads to. :)

D7ana said...

OOOoooohhhhhh, Niel!

I looked when you had their photos on your blog, then I looked when I was in Walmart and in Ross. (Bad move, Dana, lol)

Back, back, little demon doll.

I think I'm in trouble ... ;-D

AilanthusAltissima said...

Uh oh.... I see some new dolls in your future....