There is a close-up photograph and a full length photograph. What do you think of her? Happy searching!
Brotherly love in playscale: finding diversity in fashion dolls and action figures from the 1960s to now: Barbie, Fashion Royalty, Momoko, Susie, GI Joe, Power Team, Mixis.
I don't mind the hair color much but can you tell if her head is small or the larger sized?
I'm Raquelle fan and would love to have her tanned too , but I'm puzzled. Are you sure it's Raquelle and not one of the older molds, from Fashion Fever time? Like this one? http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8321/8036495380_66ee7a990d_h.jpg
I see on Amazon site (Walmart is Americans only) that doll isn't expensive, good :)
Hi Muff! Head size for this doll ... I think it was toward the smaller size. I don't recall crinkling my nose over the size of her head. You know, when you look at the dolls' head, step back, and mouth "damn?"
I'll check the next time I am in that store though ;-).
Good question, jewel snake!
I've been looking back at this photo, at your photo, and at dolls I have with both face sculpts. I think this purple-haired doll has the Raquelle head because I think that her cheeks are flatter than the late Fashion Fever head. The FF doll head also has a more dramatic eye tilt than this one.
(But I confess to being fuzzy on the difference between the Goddess face mold and the Kay/Lea face mold.)
Still, I would love to hear from people who have bought this doll. Is she the Raquelle face sculpt?
I´m afraid she´s not, after all, a tanned Raquelle... Damm! She sports the former barbie head (between one period of the Generation girl headmold and nowadays). I hope they released Raquelle on different complexions.. she´s not Kayla, but she´s a cutie too!
Thanks, Anonymous. She looks so much like the basic Raquelle ... I mean the one without the mouth twist ;-)
I know the Barbie face mold you mean. I'm trying to see that mold as that doll. I'll provide a link(s) to that doll tomorrow ;-)
Muy bonita, espero verla pronto en mi estante. Gracias por el dato.
I have this picture on the on the net. Maybe this will help!
OK Here are the tow head sculpts together. http://www.flickr.com/photos/fashionstylevm/9009805153/
Hi Lindaivette Montes de Oca and Ms. Leo!
@Lindaivette Montes de Oca - Es un placer. Espero que veas pronto, también.
@Ms. Leo, Jewel Snake, and Anonymous! Hey, you are all right. The purple-haired doll is NOT a tanned Raquelle. Your photo links helped, Ms. Leo. And I went to another Walmart and placed the purple-haired doll next to a Raquelle doll. Immediately, I noticed the difference in the nose and in the lips. Raquelle has a tinier nose and thinner lips.
I'll share that photo in an update to this blog. Thanks for drawing my attention to the difference ;-)
and thanks
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