Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Amusing Review of the Recent Anti-Barbies - Mixis Dolls Included

Could you use a laugh today? I suggest this article about some of the recent "anti-Barbies" dolls. Erica Tempest grades "Anti-Barbies" from Bratz to Only Hearts Club. Who gets the best grades and why? Read the article to see.

Note: I would have rated the Mixis higher, but I think it is cool that they are recognized enough to be part of an "anti-Barbie" line-up. Progress, yes?


Anonymous said...

Hi Dana, congratulations with your award! You gave an interesting twist to the rules too :-). This review article was very entertaining, thanks for the link!

Muff said...

Reading more of the stats on the Lammily doll I find myself feeling encouraged for him but also rather suspicious that anything will actually be produced. That's a lot of money he's getting so I hope all those that invested see an end result.

I had not heard of some of the dolls in that article. One thing I do know, my non religious self wants that "pick Jesus" t-shirt in adult size.

voiceofsudhnoti said...

You know I came to know about many new dolls as you have in your article... but my daughter loved the picture.

It was really nice article...

Its all about marketing , sometimes , it's right time for one and then comes for the next...
You know that there is nothing permanent like change...

Thank you for share by the way congratulation for award.

D7ana said...

Hi Nymphaea, Muff, and Anna Khan!

@Nymphaea - thanks for the congratulations on the Award. You are welcome to the article link; I enjoyed reading it and hoped that others would, too.

@Muff - Ordinarily, I LOVE new doll series. The more, the merrier. Mattel does better when they have competition. This Lammily doll though, seems so very anti-Barbie, I want to defend Barbie just to counter Lammily ;-P

@Anna Khan - I am happy that you came to know about new dolls. Always good to share news of the many types of dolls there are.

I am glad that your daughter loved the pictures - that article had many nice doll photos.

I agree that marketing and change allow different dolls to rise. Glad that you enjoyed that article. Thanks for your kind words about the award to my blog ;-)

You are so correct and kind to remind us about the fate of women who lack access to the Internet. I share your link so that others may appreciate what we have that many do not have.

Vanessa said...

Interesting article. Written like someone who doesn't know much about the real world of dolls. Looks like he has plenty of money to do a full wardrobe. If he doesn't have interesting clothes planned for this doll, I think he's going to have trouble with sales.

D7ana said...

Hi Vanessa! I'm surprised that the author knew about the Mixis dolls. Glad to see that word about them has spread.

But I agree with you that the author doesn't know much about the actual doll-play-world. What she and the Lammily doll creator don't get is that fashion and fantasy have and probably still do play a big role in doll play. I feel sorry for the little girls or boys stuck with a no frills Lammily doll.

Carrickters said...

Thanks for the link, it was in intereting article (especially the anti-Barbie who hailed from Australia). It will be interesting to see if the Lammily doll actually gets produced. Like others, I'm really not sure how it will appeal to the play market.

Chasing Joy said...

That was a fun read. I'd vote for the Maxis being the best of the obes listed.

Honestly I dont have an issue with Barbie or any of the other dolls. They are toys. Hopefully my future kids wull play with a variety of different toys and not become like I did and not really see barbie as anything close to a real representation of womanhood.

D7ana said...

Hi Carrickters! You're welcome. What about that Feral Cheryl? All around ghastly, I think.

The Lammily doll feels more like an anti-Barbie creation rather than something for children to enjoy. I'd love to see the results of a focus group of kids responding to whatever the finished Lammily doll looks like.

D7ana said...

Hi Chasing Joy! I'd vote for the Mixis too, among these dolls ;-)

I don't say that Barbie is perfect, but the animosity directed against a plaything, a miniature "person." Kids need a variety of toys and non-toy play - based on my experience as a child.

A concerned mother wrote a blog about how the mother guided her young daughter's doll play. And another mother uses Barbie to develop her craft skills and those of her children. I love how those mothers worked around the existing figures to improve their children's experiences.