Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Philly's 22nd International Black Doll Show & Sale

Hey, did you happen to see, the most fugliest bride in the world ....

This has been my BEST International Black Doll Show visit. I talked with a few of the dealers and one doll artist. I even brought a 12” fellow home with me. Before I report my findings, I want to thank Dr. Barbara Whiteman, her ever gracious daughter Robyn Whiteman, and two charming Convention Assistants, Jenna Arnold and Janee Douglas. Thanks to the unknown (to me) convention staff, other Black Doll Collectors' Club members, and Debbie B. Garrett for reminding me about the Show.

At last year’s Show, I spoke with some convention assistants working with Linda C. Hayes. They gave me permission to photograph her offerings for my blog post on the Show and gave me her contact information. This year, I met Ms. Hayes herself. We did not have a substantial talk due to the many distractions of the Show and my wanting to photograph EVERYTHING that she had ;-D

If there were a prize for the most unusual doll offerings, Ms. Hayes would have won it: Among her sales items were the Dennis Rodman doll shown above, Oreo Barbie, Talking Cassius Clay figurine, the Hasbro Destiny’s Child dolls, elusive Shindana dolls Slade and Dr. J, and four 12” action figure outfits. I couldn’t resist the Army Ken – note: I have no military Kens so he filled a void. I mean, Soldier Ken … who could resist?

In case any of the items I mention are on your Wish List, here is Ms. Hayes’ current contact information:

Linda C. Hayes, Doll Connoisseur
Linda’s Black Dolls, Vintage to Modern
P.O. Box 8653
VA Beach, Virginia 23450-8653


Next, I spoke with Gloria Henson, Dollmaker, about her Angel Doll. Since the Angel Doll is porcelain and not playscale, I will save those comments for my Examiner article. However, Ms. Henson had a dark brown complected My Scene Knockoff doll and a smaller scale Malcolm X figure/figurine. (I could imagine him lecturing my larger playscale figures. We’d go, “Oh he’s sooo cute,” as he paced below us. Nope.)

While the My Scene Knockoff was tempting – amazing how faithfully the knockoff company recreated the Mattel My Scene box graphics - I left her behind too although she was only $5.00. (If you are curious about either item, please see them in my Webshots folder and/or contact Ms. Henson at Glohenson1960@yahoo.com . She might have one or both of them.)

I also spoke to Mayai Chatman who offered a familiar doll that I had not seen in the vinyl: Kenner Dana from the Fashion Model Darci line. Thud. Ouch. That’s my knees hitting the marble floor. Sigh. Now I want a NFRB Kenner Dana. She’s on my Wish List. No, I won’t likely get her anytime soon, but she is definitely on The List.

Anna's Collectibles was there as well. I did not get their card this year, but they had a few holiday Barbies and a few of the denim Barbie Basics dolls.

Other reviews and or comments about this year's Show are by Ms. Leo and Black Doll Collector.

If you attended the Show and you would like to submit your review, please visit here.


Frannie said...

Looked like a great show! Loved the pictures. Saw a few dolls that I never knew existed. Hope you find your Dana doll soon!

Frannie said...

There is a Kenner Dana on E-Bay right now with about 3 days left.
Starting price 24.95 with no bids as of yet. Here is the link:

Black Doll Enthusiast said...

Great review D7ana. Again, I am glad you were able to attend, meet Linda, and the other vendors, mingle, and take and share photographs. Anyone interested in Black dolls who lives in close proximity of wherever this convention is held in the future, should attend and support it. There is usually something there for every collector.


Vanessa said...

One day it will work out that I will be able to go to this show. I have it on my "Things To Do" list. Thanks for all the info.

D7ana said...

Thanks, Frannie and Debbie! That eBay Dana looks great, Frannie! I appreciate your sharing my link.

D7ana said...

Hi and thanks, Vanessa! Hope you are able to attend the next IBDS. We would have fun!

Ms. Leo said...

Hey, thanks for the shout out! I did have fun. Maybe some of us can meet up there next year and do a joint blog! Thanks again!

Linda Hayes said...

Thanks D7ana for the shoutout! I always enjoy talking with a fellow lover of Black Dolls! The show was definitely da' bomb! And I will continue to try to provide a wide selection of unusual and hard to find Black dolls...

D7ana said...

You're both welcome, Ms. Leo and Linda H! Glad you attended - Ms. Leo for sharing photos of stuff I missed and Linda H for bringing your fascinating stock.

Black Doll Enthusiast said...

Hi D7Ana - I just took the time to view your webshots photos after Linda reminded me. Your pictures are wonderful. I wish I could have been there. Brings back memories of the two shows I attended in 2004 and 2005. I have some photo coverage in webshots of the 2005 show. I will post the link to your webshots photos to WLBD after I get with Linda regarding a couple of things I saw in your photos that I might need to buy from her. :-) You know how collectors roll: We have to cover our bases (our wants/desires first) and then share info with fellow collectors.


D7ana said...

Oh that's how collectors roll, lol?!

Me, I never (koff, koff) ... ever (koff, gasp) ... ever (huhh, huhhh) - oh, shoot. I would do the same. Nab that precious, desired item or items and THEN share. Shrug. Tis the nature of being a collector. Good luck, DBG! Hope you get the stuff that you seek. (I think I *know* what you're after, lol.)

Bb said...

omg, Dana, that Dennis Rodman doll is AMAZING!!

D7ana said...

Hi, Beebo! Yes, he is. The other Dennis Rodman doll was almost as cool. That one wore a basketball suit AND had TWO heads. Not on at the same time, of course, lol!