Friday, September 24, 2010

More Integrity Playline Information - Source Link and Another Alysa Photo

I was checking for one-sixth scale eyeglasses when I saw these dolls STILL available! Old Joe Infirmary not only updated their website, they also have a few of the newer - probably second / 2.5 face sculpts AND the last face sculpts - available for reasonable prices -- under $20 -- do click that link to see if there are any dolls you would want there.

Here is another photo for all the Alysa fans out there - Royal Heritage [Bride] Alysa! And [Groom] Alejandro - he's cute, too. Sigh. Wipes at eye corner with a tissue. Such a lovely couple!

I think that the bride set at the Keeping Ken article is the second or the first Alysa sculpt while mine is from the 2.5 sculpt.


AilanthusAltissima said...

You know all of the places to shop!

D7ana said...

Oh, once I did, Kim. Once ... sigh. Been away from shopping.

But thanks for the reminder of those golden days past - and finger-crossing - to come.